Early today i went to conneticut and after several battles my pc sufered a powersurge so it shut down(it usualy does this) leavind me in mid space...i didnt reboted and continued my daily routine...after i got back i logged in ..my cruiser was 5 km from new heaven and i wanted to dock and head back to do some missions...but BOOM freelancer got minimized and direct X apoeard inf ront of me telling that the program had problems accesing system information (this usualy happens when i try to talk to any npc in the bar) and i cannot log in in any of my ships because all of them triigers the same thing...game minimized and unable to maximized and direct x diag tools apears on my screen
What to do?
shipname #deca (the first one i tried to log in and probably if this is a bug...it started here)