Character names (all of them): Benjamin Stone Rank of mentioned characters (in the same order as above): Veteran Agent Skype ID: Yall have it Timezone: GMT+12
Additional notes:
Busy with uni, not actually playing the game or forumlancing. Just here, watching you sleep.
Character names (all of them): Nicholas Rogers Rank of mentioned characters (in the same order as above): Agent Skype ID: I'm in there, no need to write it in here on forums. Timezone: GMT+2
Additional notes: I have 5 more exams to go at the university. I'm still around, no worries.
Character names (all of them):Jessica Scarlet
Ricardo Ramirez Rank of mentioned characters (in the same order as above):
Agent Commander
Agent Skype ID:Implosion_BG Timezone:GMT +2
Additional notes:My online time will increase this month,' know,no more exams and stuff.
Character names (all of them):Aaron Taggart, Oscar Mannek Rank of mentioned characters (in the same order as above): Cell leader, Agent Skype ID: dukovcani Timezone: GMT+2
Additional notes: Away from PC and FL for most of the time, need to organize my time and adabt to work
Character names (all of them): Ciana,ORder|CV-Anath,OCV-Amaunet Rank of mentioned characters (in the same order as above):Agent I think Skype ID:Hrimthur Timezone: GMT +1
Character names (all of them): Jason Angelus Rank of mentioned characters (in the same order as above):Agent Commander Skype ID: wedge1001 Timezone: gmt +1