Name: Legion_Prime
Ship: AI Drone
System: Coronado
The only base in the system forget it's name, sorry.
When I talk to any NPC in the bar, the game minimizes and crashes. I can still here sound, and I have to wait til the program has stopped responding message to pop up before I can kill the Freelancer.exe.
This has never happened before.
I tried mounting a new ID and it still minimized and crashed, so it might have something to do with the ship being docked there, I have no clue, but it's impossible for me to make any bribes there, and I have not attempted this at any other base. I can still interact with equipment shops, ships, job boards, and news articles. It's only NPCs in the bar.
That being said, until this bug is fixipoo-d or figured out, could I get my Freelancer rep maxed (since that's why I went there)? I have the funds on the character Legion_Prime (the ship as the funds).
I don't know if this will happen in all bars, but I wanted it to be known. Didn't see anything else on the other stickies about this, but if there is and I overlooked, I apologize.