Gut day meine Damen and Herren, Commander Davids speaking.
Zhe reason for mein message to you is to inform you about ein rather dangerous situation in Omicron Zeta.
Murilo Mining facility came under attack by ein Zoner Nephilim under zhe callsign Dark.Shadow. Zhe Zoner vessel
opened fire after zhe automated defenses on Murilo declared it as possible threat. Our zoner friends from zhe
Obsidian Zoetic tried to solve zhe misunderstanding, instead zheir transports were annihilated right away
without even zhe slightest chance for ein peaceful solution.
Order ships OCV-Blaster and 141|Dire.Wolf tried to assist and stop zhe rogue Zoner from attacking Murilo base,
but both ships were severely crippled due to zhe cowardish Zoner making use of cloak technology and perform stealth attacks.
Zhe Dire Wolf was able to retreat to Mu on its own, however zhe status of zhe OCV-Blaster is unknown right now.
Meanwhile zhe zoner kapitaen was able to flee when we gathered forces to take his ship out.
I am sure you will receive ein word from Obsidian Zoetic about zhe incident soon, nontheless, I can only
advise you to be extremely cautious when encountering zhis zoner vessel. It seems like zhe kapitaen of
zhe Dark.Shadow suffers from zhe well known "Planet Harris Syndrom".
Mein own taskforce agents have been briefed to eliminate zhe said vessel when forced to do so.
Order High Command, I advise to close off Omicron Mu and all assorted stations to zhs vessel.
It poses ein big threat to our operations.
Dear board directors of OSI, Herr Dorian Blake should be able to confirm zhis situation as he was present
during zhe later attacks on order ships and I am sure he can provide additional data.
Camera and communication logs extracted from 141|Dire Wolf & 141|Icarus: ***
As Commander Davids already mentioned the rogue Nephilim Vessel
with the Dark.Shadows. identification attacked the Murilo Minig Facility,
disabled two of our whales in cold blood without any warnings or some
minor reason and opened fire upon the Order Vessels that tried to
reason with the commander of the rogue zoner vessel. We did our best
to capture the ship and it's crew, but it managed to escape from our
hands by crusing towards the edge of the system.
However, what concerns me most, is the fact that the same zoner vessel
opened fire upon some corsair ships earlier that day. Thing that led to a
minor incident with the ECG. I do my best to calm down the corsairs and
let them know that we where not supporting the Dark.Shadows. vessel.
Here is the conversation with the ECG.[===ECG Conversation Archive===]
What concerns me even more is the fact that the Core, decided to help
defend the Zoner vessel when the corsairs tried to retaliate. Something
doesn't smell right here. First, an rogue Corsair vessel made threats
towards Zoners and Order in Omicron Zeta, then a rogue Zoner vessel
attacks the corsairs.
*thinks* And, hmm, that is funny, the Corsair ship... Just a second to search my
archives... *starts searching trough some files* [font=System]Ah, yea, here it is. I will
upload it now.*uploads a file*As you can see in that file, the rogue
corsair ship had some "spies" or maybe some friends in the Core. [===Uploaded File===]
In the same time, the Core decided to defend the rogue zoner vessel
that attacked the corsairs with no reason, and as far as I know, the
Core doesn't give a cent on the Zoners that reside in the deep omicrons.
Thing that makes me believe, both rogue vessels are connected and
they have ties with the Core.
I can't back up my thoughts on this one, but, I will do my best to solve
this riddle. As for the rogue Zoner vessel, I request to be declared
hostile to all the Zoner bases and Freeports. Since it is a threat to us all.
Mr. Blake has just finished debriefing the board of directors regarding this incident. We are in agreement with both the 141st and the Obsidians that this vessel is a threat to the Zoner community and to our diplomatic relations with others in the region.
We've begun contacting others in regards to ensuring this vessel finds no berth on any Zoner station or base. The information regarding the Core working with this vessel after it has attacked other Zoners is of particular interest. Regarding the Core, I'd like to inquire as to if tensions between you Obsidians and the Core have calmed. We've not heard much regarding it since your initial transmission.