Greetings Gallics My Name is Jason Kronos Vice President of Interspace Commerce.
Earlier this Evening We were preparing to Jump our 2 barges when On our radar came a Vessel that our Scanners Showed was Transmitting " Gallic Junker " Identification Codes " Now we at Interspace, as of now wish to have no issues with the Gallic Junkers as we have had few to no issues with your Sirian cousins. So the issue spawns here As we were preparing out Jump your Vessel ,Pilot name " Johnathan Lesstrange " ,Came up and was flying eradicaly around our barges. I clearly told him to Leave the area and that it was a sensitive Process he said he didn't seem to care. Now a Jump is a Very sensitivities and expensive process. * a alert bloops up* hmm it seems he came back and stole some of our Fuel hmm This is quite Odd.* runs his hand through his hair * Look i dont want any problems between our 2 groups. So please Let us settle this diplomatically. I Hope to hear back from you Quickly.
I have recieved your transmission on the broadband frequencies. I am not familiar with this monsieur Lestrange but we are many of a kind and have no single entity of governance. There is a saying in our homeland, "this is my ship, there are many like it, but this one is mine". How this comes to you through the translator, I have not to be but unsure.
You have this technology to jump? This is the same technology that creates the worm hole like effect oui? Very expensive oui? Not one but two barges you say? That is expensive also oui? For one company to have such resources, you must be very rich oui?
If you would inform me of the flight schedules of these expensive, and obviously precious ships and technology, I could be persuaded (for a fee of course) to provide some measure of protection.
You would agree to this oui? My eclipse is a strong ship.
[font=Comic Sans Ms]Certainly this is a terrible tragedy! Please send these barges to our base in wonderful Languedoc, (full of the same cargo they had when interrupted, so we may asses damages) and at once you will have a full repayment made!
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I assure you, that the actions you witnessed are not indicative of all of us.
So, I would like to welcome you and your most expensive, cargo laden (full of course) vessel, to our modest station in Languedoc. We will address your issues, share the best of our gallic culture with you, and assure you that it was all a modest misunderstanding.