I lament that such a inteligent, capable and gorgeous women that is in fact a professional (wich is very rare for a pirate) get in this kind of mud, but... *smiles* if you plant a corn is a corn what you will harvest
so... let's be fast
you made my brother to stay in a evac capsule 20 hours before he could be rescued by some kishiro drunkard...
those capsules are pretty tight you know? that is annoying, and im trying to forget the fact you shot down his ship
tch... shooting big defenceless trade ships is a nono if you want to look badass ya' know?
i'm going to be nice and try to save some time hurdling trough jump holes to get my iron clad to hammer your ship down and crucify your gorgeous existence into some rambling asteroid in the wait of a slaver ship to get you
hand over a nice apology here and we save the mambo jambo bom bom pew pew BWOOOM *smile*
don't make me regret of this...
with best regards
you know what? im just goint to take this away before someone feels aluded... XDDDDDD