I am contacting you in respond with recent developments in Omicron Zeta star system. Installation "Star Fortress", joint Order and Zoner project represented by 141 and Obsidian Zeotic, has been destroyed at hands of Order fleet and marines onboard station.
We are aware that you had at least slight interest in this base as your identifications were listed in docking permission list. With what we think is collapse of OZ group, absolute administrative powers were granted to unknown individual(s) once leadership went dark. The Order's reaction was swift, our transports moved in to seize the base. As dangerous materials has been secured and together with other valuables moved out, we had no choice but to disable station permanently before anyone could lay hands on it.
What concerns us is fact that before final act, renegades that took over managed to smuggle in another team to re-assume control when our marines disembarked once their job was done. Their attempts have failed as fleet managed to cut through hull and shields the hard way, killing everyone onboard. Troubling is fact that vessel used had Zoner papers. If you have further interest in Omicron Zeta, I suggest to consult it with us first as we take neccesary precautions to secure area.