Just running this by people as i am still very confused sometimes about factions, ships, weapons and what is allowed.
I am still developing a RP story about my character, but as it stands I am exploring solaris space, I have recently aquired an 'X-shuttle' and equiped it with class 6 civilian 'eco' chainguns and some turrets...I have not flown this ship before, but it seems suited to my needs, as an exploration vessel with large enough cargo for me to do trade runs.
Anyone got and feedback for this? also what should i do about factions...I have not really gained any with any faction...Pirates are hostile and liberty police are green etc.
Sorry if these questions seem to run of the mill, but i want to get things right.
Also...whats the RP rule on gender..as broadminded as possible?
X-shuttle is fine. As are Ecos. As to gender, male or female. Anything else makes problems.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
Roleplay is an openended thing. Most new people are given a little leighway as they're.. new. You're still getting the hang of things, learning the ropes, your first char isn't expected to be perfect - or even that much in-RP (BD HF with Salamancas was my first ship >.< ). That you care is a sign that you're going to be a good RP'er. Click the picture in my sig and peruse the post that it links to, partiularly the faction links that go to recruitment pages. I'd love to have you in one of my factions (especially the LPI or BLS).