Ich habe no idea whom to address specifically, so Ich would like to request to be put in contact with the proper authority for a little..." She coughs twice. "Chat between the Mollys and ALG Waste Disposal."
"If the Mollys are not interested in such an event, at least have the decency to reply. My apologies if Ich sound harsh, Ich am merely trying to initiate talks which perhaps could benefit both our establishments."
I'm sorry 't took this long to get 't ye. T' Mollys have been in alot of turmoil lately 'n ye paperwork got a bit... lost. I be 't one to talk to 'bout yer proposal. I ye'd like, ye' can contact me on 't private communications 't make sure this stays between us.
I'll be taking off shortly with destination Hood und shall be waiting in the bar when Ich arrive tomorrow. Seeing as you've seen my face Ich think some recognisable item on my person is unneeded. Ich am a fan of whiskey und shall have a bottle ready, however, if you desire something else we can always ask for that."