How about we get some more of a selection of weapons? We have seen preps for many new ships and maybe in some new designs for ships and newer models etc etc... Why don't we look into some new models of guns?
It seems as though there is a small amount of weapons per ship in game, now while all together there is a lot but if you think about it, per ship there is very little. (Missile turrets do not count!) I would love to see freighters especially gain more turret varieties all over the whole space of this universe! Why not make some new turrets that are meant for crushing shields, or why not make some pounders that do maybe 250 hull 50-100 shield but fire at a rate of maybe 5.00 a second? Make some turrets that are huge, now I mean some that fire very, very slow but do damage of maybe 5-6000 hull damage and 1500-3500 shield damage but make them take up a lot of energy to fire.
Make some more turrets that allow freighters energy weapons that explode near the target doing area damage and maybe allowing a direct impact of 2500-3000 hull damage and 1000-1500 shield damage and make that damage decrease the farther away you are from the explosion of energy. These would be slow firing...ish maybe 2-3.00 a second which would make direct hits on bigger ships deadlier but if you were to hit near them (Maybe give them a accuracy {if possible} of 43%) That would allow them to be more of a explosive weapon that is like a cruiser missile but more of the flak type.
Then just make some more deadly and not so deadly different looking turrets that are named different and would work for being sold in different areas like:
Liberty turret class 1:
Hull damage 1000
Shield damage 350
fire rate 2.00
While you have a single found turret like:
Manhattan transport turret type 2:
Hull damage 2500
Shield damage 650
fire rate 2.00
(but costs more than your liberty turret which would be sold pretty much anywhere in the liberty system and you don't have to be friendly with that -planet- faction.)
Then you could make some more turrets like
Modded liberty turret type 1
Hull damage 2750
Shield damage 1000
fire rate 1.00
(found only in unlawful systems and may take the same or more energy to fire but are deadlier than your standard liberty turret type 1.) Maybe with repercussions?
Another type of turret would be a bomb slot (Much like a missile slot)
Requires ammo, only some ships can hold it. fires a unguided but deadly bolt of kinetic energy projectile.
Liberty bomb turret type 2
Hull damage 3500
Shield damage 2000
Fire rate 1.00
(Moderate energy consumption)
but here is another bomb idea (remember they are unguided but require both ammo and energy to use.)
Liberty bomb turret type 3
Hull damage 650
Shield damage 850
Fire rate 6 or 7.00 (Please always keep in mind this would be unguided and require both energy and ammo because they are kinetic energy projectiles much like a kinetic fired bullet it'd require ammo and energy but be a better weapon all together)
Lets say the bomb ammo is 2x the amount that a missile gets on the ship and can be kept in the cargo hold and sold to other bases for cash or it can be used by being taken from the cargo hold and brought into the ammo hold during combat. (May seem unfair but how many ships that can fight have a big cargo hold, that also might be needed for jump drives?)
Anyhow there could be more exotic and different looking guns! They of course would need to do different damage than another turret but if you think about it. If you were to go ahead with the previously mentioned then we would have Liberty RH nomad french the hole 9 yards of turrets would be at our finger tips and where to get them, well that all depends on where the creators would love to put them.
Then let the leaders of official factions of turrets of their own (Approved by our admins of course) This would mean that maybe a faction like the molly's would have a turret that could boost them in defending themselves or pirating or something of the sort.
Now of course you don't have to go all out on fighter turrets only really the bigger ships turrets only for the fact that bigger ships need more of a variety than fighters as more people go for the expensive fighters or the bombers of those classes. While bigger ships are chosen by most of the community.
I just think with the addition of new ships should come a bigger variety of turrets than we have.
What's your though on this? (Person who is reading)
Why not allow player bases to build turrets and ammo at their bases with select metals and resources then the base owner can click a button on the base after having the parts and presto we have something built at the base.
Variety is good, but stockpiling ideas on ideas is not.
I would start with a completely refreshed and renovated game physics.
Reworked ship masses, turning, armor, shield revision, powercore revision, then only primary weapons revision (turrets, guns, missiles), secondary weapons revision (meaning that mines are no more a primary weapon).
A bit of logics, a bit of balance and vuala.
@Veygaar : I think he wants House and types transport turrets variety and not cosmetic changes according to the fact that all House small transport turrets have the same states : .
(03-02-2013, 02:10 PM) Wrote: @Veygaar : I think he wants House and types transport turrets variety and not cosmetic changes according to the fact that all House small transport turrets have the same states : .
That is a really good idea.
You got it, I don't find it interesting to go to Manhattan and find a type 2 turret and then go to Colorado or Cali and find the same exact turret in every way on stock. This is the future you are many thousands of miles apart from the other system it only makes sense that you have differences in turrets especially differences on turrets between factions.
(03-02-2013, 10:10 AM)Swallow Wrote: Variety is good, but stockpiling ideas on ideas is not.
I would start with a completely refreshed and renovated game physics.
Reworked ship masses, turning, armor, shield revision, powercore revision, then only primary weapons revision (turrets, guns, missiles), secondary weapons revision (meaning that mines are no more a primary weapon).
A bit of logics, a bit of balance and vuala.
I did not stack ideas on top of ideas, I took one general idea and said hey this is how it should be and then I gave examples of that idea and how it should be.