Unfortunately gunboats are in a really bad position being neither a fighter nor a cap ship but a lot of people would like to see them both.
I completely a agree that they still need work but it probably is always going to be one of the more controversial ships and always will be hard to balance simply because of its nature.
I do believe they either need maneuverability and low shields, or low maneuverability and stronger shields
I personally believe that the gun boats should have a high maneuverability and a low shield and average weapons.
No one should think that the gun boat should have high maneuverability high shields and strong weapons coz that would just make one really urber ship.
Im not saying that Jamezs requests are not warranted because the gun boats defiantly need work but I am just saying to all the other gunboat lovers out there I dont believe that it will ever be or ever should be made into a ship that can both easily destroy caps and fighters..
<<<<<The Jade Consortium>>>>>
<<<<<To Fight Is To Live>>>>>
<<<<< Xerxas Jades BIO >>>>>
If the Gunboat Could do both then there would be no point to having anything else, its all about finding the gunboats balence within the mod itself. I still think that it should be geared towards anti-fighters.
As i've been told, the Gunboats are support ships.
Which means they shoud be anti-fighter capable.
(the problem is, an enemy cruiser sees a GB, then proceeds to kill it.)
So methinks it should have good handling and lesser shields (about 80K) BUT have a high regen rate (2000). Because VHF weps are DEADLY and do about 1400 damage PER SHOT. Which is better than quite a few capship weps.(?)
Also, if it's gonna be nova'd to bits, shouldn't it get a Countermeasure Dropper?
<<<<<The Jade Consortium>>>>>
<<<<<To Fight Is To Live>>>>>
<<<<< Xerxas Jades BIO >>>>>