Is heard softly in the background when the transmission connects. All of a sudden the camera feed pops on. A rolling landscape is seen as the camera moves around. The signs of a beautiful laid out garden surrounded by farm plots on the foreground.
“Sie ruinieren alles...“
The camera zooms into the distant fields. The contrast between the landscaped garden and the plots of farmland is shocking. To say the least. Grey fields as far as the eye reaches of indistinct able plants.
The voice starts speaking, a slight undertone of pain is noticeable.
"Ich am assured you are too familiar with this sight, nein?“
"For the benefit of me and my company, Ich cannot disclose my identity yet. Ich need confirmation about the security offered by both parties if Ich were to show who Ich am.“
"One thing Ich can say... This has to stop. Very fast. Before the damage is irreversible and Ich cannot do that alone. Also wouldn't suit mich personally, as Ich would be betraying my beliefs, however, Ich can do something to help.“
"Can Ich trust you, as far as trust goes these days, to keep this hidden for now?“
The camera zooms back out and shows a small splot of blue jillies. Although, they seem to have lost their strength, as the color has faded to a sickly blueish color.
"That's is not my fault, the way they are. That's the fault of those damned ones in charge. Ich tried everything and Ich gave up today. Ich paid enormous sums of credits to those claiming to be able to get plants healthy again and the response by each and one of them is the same. It's the fault of the men and women of Synth Food, Incorporated.“
"Contact me at your earliest convenience. Change, once again, is needed.“
The transmission is cut off all of a sudden.
Might I first say, that you have very nice jillies there. Blue jillies are the greatest and we try to grow them as much as possible. They are so temperamental though, only Werner has great success with them. But, as you said, ja, we are all too familiar with the sight of such greyness.
I can assure you that we can guarantee to keep this hidden. We can even switch to ein better encryption type if you'd prefer.
I agree that change would be good, ja. What do you have in mind?
As the transmission fee connects the camera shows a beautiful green dress, with intricate design and tiny deep green gems around the borders, laid on a bed.
"Ich shall be wearing that, as to be easily recognised."
"You tell me when and where to meet, one neutral grounds preferably as my credentials do not allow me to dock on 'less favourable', so to say, stations."
"Ich am awaiting your suggestion."
The fee gets cut off all of a sudden like last time.