Hey guys, I 'm new to the forum so if I'm doing anything oncorrectly just let me know and I'll fix it however I can. Anyway, I was just running some mining/trading routes with a friend of mine, and our trade lane was disrupted by a fellow named "Navy.Gaurdian". He was a highwayman, and luckily at the time he was cheating someone else out of their cargo and money. Anyway, thought about it as we cruised away as quicly as possible, and is it not fail RP to have a name with "Navy" in it when you actually aren't a part of any formal Navy? Just wondering. I don't want to file a complaint against this guy if he hasn't actually done anything wrong.
Your post is pretty close to being in violation of the trial-by-forum rule. Generally speaking, if you can point to a rule that the guy's broken and have evidence you should file a violation report. The name you specified is unusual, but I could think of a few situations where it could be justified in-RP. I think this one is going to be determined by the eccentricities of the event itself, which only those who interacted with him can comment on.
Taken at face value I don't think his name violates the rules.
Using tags that belong to your enemies is not allowed (Like a Rogue with the LNS- tag e.g). In this case Navy is too vague - could be the Corsair Navy, OC navy, the almighty navy of the Epsilon Space Seals.
It is a bit deceptive, but he is a thieving pirate so it would actually fit his RP to draw in traders. Don't be so trusting of Freelancer IFFs or "obvious" names like this.
The only rule is if you use an actual tag, such as an LNS- tagged Rheinland Battleship, or someone making a GRN IDed ship with a BAF| tag.
Alright, thanks guys, and again, I wasn't immediately condemning him for anything, i just wanted to make sure this wasn't fail rp. I wan't asking any admins or anyone to take action against him, Chalenger, and thats precisely why I didn't file a violation thread.
It can be justified by claiming that you're simply using a stolen transponder, but it is pretty dirty play if you ask me. Still, sometimes pirates are forced into such underhanded measures when faced with a server full of traders who wont pay and cry sanction at the drop of a hat.