Hello fellows of Interspace Commerce! My name is Jakob littlemen, a very close friend of a pilot of yours Matthew Bontrager. I come to you wondering if we can form a partnership between my small company Post Terran Mining Corp and your company.
Allow me to provide some info about the PTMC. Currently our ships are limited to an arasta mining vessel, a Stork train, a Bison transport, and a Guardian fighter for defense. The Bison is currently waiting at Planet Muira in Okinawa. My other ships are scattered around the Liberty area of Sirius.
Our goal is simple; to provide a reliable and profitable mining service. If you have any questions or other issues feel free to use my S.K.Y.P.E. protocol. The protocol name is hypercast52
I wish you good luck in your future!
"I'm scared that if I stop drinking all at once the cumulative hangover will actually kill me"
I enjoy and appreciate your desire to form a partnership with Interspace Commerce. We always welcome new and friendly faces, especially if these faces tend to be profitable.
Before we go any further however, I will need you to answer a few basic questions...
What is your affiliation?
What is your reputation with the GMG|, Bretonia, Liberty, and Kusari?
How long has your corporation been around, and how big is your corporation? Give us a brief history on it's forming.
Once you've answered these questions, we can decide if a relationship between PTMC| and IC| is feasible.
We have discussed things concerning you and your corporation, and the main bump in the road right now is your lack of approval from the GMG|. You see, GMG| handles the mining for Otemachi through an agreement with them through one of our contracts.
So before we can go any further, we need written allowance of your corporation in Okinawa, as well as allowance to mine Helium-3 for Otemachi, from the GMG|.
Once you get this, we can get the proverbial ball rolling. Best of luck.