The current countermeasures are just a little yellow ball that comes out the back, couldn't we make these a little bit more exciting? I was thinking that a re-color to orange would go along nicely, as well as a slight glow. Perhaps increase the dump-rate and add a smoke trail, so we can make smoke angels?
No we couldn't make them more exciting.
It's already was done to fire and explosion effects, and if something like that happens again, i will run down the street naked and stab people with a knife.
P.S. There are different countermeasures. I use blue too.
They should make a new type of flare. Kinda like what the c-130 deploys. They are nick named the "Angle Flares". It should have much less ammo, but make it highly effective with a very slow deployment speed. It should only be able to be used on Battle cruisers and upwards. You could make a new class for these flares. The Heavy CM. I mean a normal CM coming out of a dreadnought looks shockingly bad.
Mhm. Until someone decides to get an interest in ALE effects making, this is not likely to happen. Effects are one of the harder pieces of FL modding as there's virtually no documentation, and no WYSIWYG design tools for them. That said, if someone wants to make a few better looking countermeasures, go ahead.
Countermeasures with a longer lifetime are not on the wishlist however. Adds lag and will severely improve CM effectiveness.
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From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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