To: Bowex Management, Supervisors Priority: Medium Topic: Training Seesions.
Kevin Cameron here, after seeing a few conveys and fellow trainees I thought it might be a good idea to have 2 sessions for those that are interested in improving, one would be for those looking for advice and info on trading including conveys, what to look out for and ways to find a good deal.
The Other session would be for those that are interested in ExSec which would include advice and info on Escorting, Scouting and what to look out for, more can be added to your choosing.
Seems your message was put at the bottom of my stack of messages. A great joy if your out of the office for a while.. I understand your worries and I checked with our training departement and it seems they're all lazy buggers so I yelled at them. Got a result for you though, there will be some training convoys held shortly.
Coordination of planning will take place over S.K.Y.P.3. Protocol channels. Please get in touch with my secretary for this.
Kind regards,
Richard Farbridge, OBE
Ex/sec Manager
There used to be pictures here
once known as Richard Farbridge, OBE and Ronaldo Benitez