This communication is only visible to Lee Bergrat.
Lee Bergrat,
There appears to be a commotion in Omicron 74. Our scanners are picking up all manner of messages and I would like to hear about the situation directly from you.
As you know from our meeting in Baffin, this corridor is vital for supplies being delivered to Freeport 11.
I urge you to respond with the details of the situation as soon as possible, so I know how this station could be affected.
Hello Mr Tobias Parkes, I am now leading the front line in regards to the alliance, my brother still serves under the alliance but no longer holds any higher status or privilege. Ive been updated n the situation and I can assure you that Freeport 11 will keep its business as usual and in term will not suffer any financial crisis. The traffic that links the freeport to the 74 sector is secure and free and none zone zoner alike vessels may continue the shipmentso of goods. // sorry if the paragraph is all messed up I'm currently on my phone.
Lee.Bergrat is my brother ? ( brother? but he has a different last name! ), and one that I had to deal with for some time now due to the recent events. I have been in exile for a long time ( exile?) in a luxury liner, built a family since my time in the order belt. I consider myself a zoner, or a plain family guy but I had to do something regarding the issues happend during this week. I don't like it either, but I've moved my family to O74 so that I could still function as a husband and somewhat a "leader" with a dream.My brothers personal communication channel is only open if the DNA match, so I hope this anwsers your question. Now, I realize you don't know about me but be sure to hear from me soon now that I've taken over. My brothers remarks in the zoner zummit however is something that I do agree, among other things. The right for the individuals to bear arms to protect themselves is a right worth keeping, and when talking about a group, even more, however care must be taken to ensure that it goes through the right channels because "we" are not the only residents in this area. While I prefer my combat skills over a toaster platform f it saves money, very little that I can dispute. If you have anything personal with Lee, I'll make sure to deliver the message, but regarding freeport's needs I hope I've anwsered your question.
I admire your efforts to return to calm actions in the region. It is a hard thing to put away guns that are already drawn.
As Freeport 11 is heavily influenced by the politics of Phoenix and whoever controls the O74 corridor, I am glad to see cooler heads prevailing for all of our sakes.
If you need to contact me about any important issues that may arise I welcome you to do so. Also, if you have a trading division that is interested in a Freeport 11 contract let them know to contact my second in command. She should be able to pick up any transmissions addressed to Freeport 11.
Yes some things never change, but be sure to know that those who adhere to the ideology of rejecting the alliances right to exist , they might as well reject the earth beneath them or the sky above them because were not going anywhere.
There are many individuals who suppress progressand stability, and that who will happily destroy our values and what makes us who we are, knowing that if that can be broken, everything else will fall apart. That's why I will continue the cooperation with the order and the Phoenix to strengthen our bonds and ensure the survival of our people. I'll be visiting you shortly once I finish this drink, expect me soon
I am glad to hear of a renewed cooperation with the Phoenix and The Order.
Send the Freeport a transmission before your visit, so we can make adequate arrangements. They won't be too lavish though, we live out on the frontier after all.
I'll be sure to drop a notice before I come, however I want to inform you personaly that some mulfunctioned toasters decided to go on the hunt, along with a zoner carrier callsign " Battleship.Livadia" - even though im not hot-blooded as my brother I do take threats seriously, not only that he engaged and attacked our station, rendering the civilians inside to the danger of death, but also claImed to be allied with them. We have destroyed his vessel after 60 minutes of diplomacy, at the same time he was shooting. Luckily I had a pheonix pilot next to me through the whole situation, this is one scenario that I don't want to be told lies about. I'll be in freeport soon, I'll contact you via secure channels once I arrive, until then, be safe friend.