Greetings, pals, this is Jorge Juan y Santacilia, I'm newly-appointed chief of...err, our logistics department. Guys'n'me ran loose checks of what we got, and what remained after defection of that bastard "Presidente" they been calling him. Seems his lackeys did work on sabotaging our guns supply, so many of our good old Sallies seem to be broken. What they left us with? Well, this trash, check it yourself, list's below. We don't intend on keeping this crap here forever, and you're free to pick it up for use for some time. This equipment, however, will be registered before being given out. Yea, right, you'll have to write us receipt! It is also subject to the Brotherhood codename policy. We also reserve right to recall gun in case you lose our confidence or gun loses our confidence. I'd like to say, however, we'll get more Sallies soon, they're surely better than this junk.
Important: some of this junk is mentioned here for accounting reasons, so if it's noted as "installed", don't dare even to think about it, or I'll find you and personally make sure you forget what thinking is.
On the other note, those "codenamed" guns are just some unidentified and most surely infernior technology, so don't expect much from them.