Fuchu prison... a prison station full of foreign criminals, blood dragons, golden crysanthemums but relatively few farmers in comparison. Most were being put to work on industrial facilities on board or occasionally a few thousand would be shipped away in prison ships to work in mines, fisheries or rice fields.
This was not one of those days, in fact what was going on in the station was very hush hush. The prisoners were left unaware and only higher ranking KSP officers had any knowledge of just what exactly was happening. The only one with the full story would be the Warden and the head of the KSP
The day was strange because a prisoner, who has been locked up for a few days to maybe a week was already being release, an uncommon occurance in the strict justice system of Kusari. The guards knew only one thing, the KPT was involved, and when the KPT is involved you do not ask questions and you do not speak of it with anyone. Lest you wish to dissapear as mysteriously as this prisoner would.
"Kiyama Anjin!" a voice shouted out. The person in question when inspect would be seen wearing a very tidy, clean military police uniform, however unlike most MP uniforms this one was void of any KNF references and instead had a big KPT patch on the left arm, a shiny badge with S31 on it, which was pinned to the left side of the jacket roughly hanging around the area of the heart, tidy KPT epaulettes and several uncommon KPT only medals. The hat of the officer was rather simple, it only had a star on it, that upon closer inspection would also have S31 pressed on it.
"Please step out of your cell Anjin and join me here." the man said in a normal, friendly tone.
An old man steped out of the cell, slowly, his feet making ferm contact with the corridor floor. The contrast between the two men was huge, Kiyama Anjin beeing short, with hunched shoulders and almost no hair, only freckle spots covering his shining head. His clothes were simple black overalls, with grease stains almost everywhere and burn marks on the sleeves.
He aproached the officer with a satisfied smile on his face:
"Sooo, a farmer can still help Kusari after all" and the arrogance was almost too much even for the master of self control in front of him.
The officer nodded in silence and took a step closer to the old man so that they were almost face to face. "Yes." he whispered just low enough that the guards further in the room wouldn't hear, "The farmers are one of the factions that keeps Kusari strong and true, not every police officer, naval officer or in my case, security agent. You see, the KPT is devided into many cells right now, we were once only loyal to the Emperor and right now must of us still are. The Republic is struggling to keep track and control over the cells loyal to them and loyal to us. So many of us including the cell I am part of still further the goals and aims of the Emperor, Samura and to a lesser extent the Farmers. In the latter case, we mainly just keep valuable assets out of the jails, yourself included."
Turning around to the moored battlecruiser he would gesture Anjin to go forward into the mooring tube that was attached to the ship. "We will talk further on the ship."