Again Ghosts of Razgriz have come to you directly.
This inner conflict is nowhere near an end, with proud Nacion dissolving in chaos, be assured that Ghosts will be rebuilding Nacion once this dispute is over.
We've done so previously, the day when Razgriz' Administration stepped in to end the governing famiglias reign that had once already brought Nacion to this state, all of them influential enough to stop progression with their contradicting preferences and claims over power.
And nothing less of a situation Contari Lance is creating. The parallels are alarming.
Their will for ongoing expanding power over all Nacion affairs, their treacherous Council of Dons - already once this institution been the demise of the Nacion.
Far more concerning is the situation that, even now, main participants behind Lance' aggressions are bending to demands and requirements set by those dependent on the Nacion.
They have those that multiplied their influence a dozen times by the Orange Dream set commandments upon them.
Lance got no courage, Lance got no confidence in Nacions true might.
They'll not prevail at their attemps.
Ghosts will be there once more to rebuild Nacion.
No Commonwealth, no delusions of a Nacion run by mischievous traitors.
Nacion will finally transit into the Empire it ever should've been.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
'Stefania Casta.