Initialisatiőn... IntensitÉ du signal:▒█████▌___ 065% Encődage:__________██████▒___FORT Source:________fBOUNVKPTTDSNvRTHMKPMOFB Exqéditeur:____Genëral Pierre LäFlamme Du Co~seil___[C] Dest|nataire(s):&as Miners' Gűild Leaders#ip_________GMG|
Sujet;_________Commerce Déđut de transmiss|on...
Bonsoir. esteemed leäders of the &as Miners' Gűild,
Let me i~troduce myse|f, je suis Gëneral Pierre-LaFlamme Du @onseil, currënt leader oF The Gallic @ouncil of Frëedom and Nat|onal Unity. | assume that-after the la$t two years,-you have heaRd enough aboűt Gallia et őur mouvement-to be familiär with our gőals, but if ~ot, feel freë to ask.
The Reason I am cőntacting you-about is tha! we encounteRed a signifi@ant gap betwëen technolog|es found in $irius et our-own, one of !hese being t#e usage of H Fuel, et eng|nes based on-it. Our dear-Docteur Lavo|sier has manäged to free űp a team oF scientists !o begin reseärching this Field of scie~ce, et for t#at he requirës samples. W#at knowledge-we have of yőur guild is !hat in Siriu$, you are thë main extrac!ors, refiner$ et distribu!ors of said %ind of fuel.
ˇould you et ýour organiza!ion mind hav|ng a commerc|al agreement-with The Cou~cil, by whic# we would be-allowed to bűy H-Fuel froM GMG station$ et planet i~ exchange foR something yőu would spec|fy later, in-case you accëpt this proqosition? I bëlieve we wil| be able to Make a deal.
Ge~eral Pierre ŁaFlamme Du Cőnseil
General-en Chef Du Cőnseil
To: General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa
Konbanwa general LaFlamme Du Conseil,
My name is Taro Katsuo and it's my privilege to be one of the esteemed Guild Masters of the GMG.
Your assumptions are indeed correct, general. Not only have we heard of Gallia, we've also had the chance to visit some of its outer systems, as well as having contact and peaceful negotiations with the ruling government, the Gallic monarchy.
I'm glad that you've heard of us, and of our expertise in the field of gas mining, refining and distribution. You've certainly contacted the right people if you desire to purchase any volumes of H-fuel. You've come to the source!
You're welcome to visit us in Okinawa or in the Sigmas, to purchase our products. For now, we ask nothing more in return than the credit value of your purchases, at a most fair price, as well that you'll respect our laws and those who legally traverse our space. If you happen to have any disputes with other visiting parties in Guild space, we ask that you to set aside your quarrels until you're well and clear out of our territory.
I'm looking forward to both seeing and hearing from you, general.
Initialisation... Intensité du signal:███████▌__ 075% Encryptage:________███████___FORT Source:________FBONZSMFBIZNOBFODOFB Expéditeur:____General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil___[C] Destinataire(s):Gas Miners' Guild Leadership_________GMG|
Sujet:_________Re: Re: Re: Commerce Début de transmission...
Guild Master Katsuo,
It's a pleasure to hear such good news from you. It is required from our men in the Trade and Supply Division to be aware et abide by all the local laws and regulations wherever they may conduct business, this obviously means we'll respect your legal codex et your neutrality. After all we'll be there for commerce, not combat.
With this, I'll deliver word to our traders, who can then begin trading with your guild.
General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil