What are the chances of having a ship that has one class 10 hardpoint, 500 some hull 5/5nans/bats, 5 cargo, class 3 shields, a size speed and turn rate faster than the starflier/arrow and a slim profile?
I think it would be somthing interesting for a recon craft, even light interceptor.
This ship would rely completely on not getting hit as it's weaker than even a starflier, but far more menuverable.
would be fun to shoot a diamondback from a tiny ship haha:P
As far as roleplay, could be like an automated defence unit
At first I thought this was a 'deployable' drone fighter, which has been suggested before, but reading on its not so.
It would be funny flying around shooting diamondbacks from a light fighter faster than a Starflier, but I doubt people would 'waste' an account slot for it. But thats my opinion, I cannot say for others.
Then again, a Liberty dreadnought with about 6 of these 'drones' would seriously tick off any pilot.:P In PvP fights though against bombers, I think they'd be useless, not enough power and a few hits will ruin them.:(