Well since im gonna be away for 2 weeks, Ill make new weapons for factions that need them, and ill hardpoint the models needed.
This is what i currently have in mind:
Ill make following Cap weapons:
Bounty Hunter - Battleship, Destroyer, Gunboat, Missile Turrets(For all)
Blood Dragon - Battleship, Destroyer, Gunboat, Missile Turrets(For all), Propper fighter weapons
Lane Hacker - Battleship, Gunboat, Missile Turrets(For all)
Liberty Rogues - Gunboat, Gunboat MkII, Missile Turrets(For all)
For major Factions:
Shield busters
Current Models i have to Hardpoint/Enhance HPs:
Civ BB of sort
Zoner GB
Gaian GS
Salvage ship
New Kushan SHF
If you think of other needed weapons, post here.
If you have models that ned HPing, convert them to .cmp and send them to ticboy@windowslive.com(DO NOT put them in Rar file, since i wont be able to download them)
What do you mean by "Shieldbusters for major factions"?
Also, I'd see with Igiss before starting to work on something.
See what's needed and what's not.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:What do you mean by "Shieldbusters for major factions"?
Also, I'd see with Igiss before starting to work on something.
See what's needed and what's not.
I mean something like Imp Debbies but factionized.
Also im gonna make them, since i like making them. Ill let Igiss decide weather he wants them or no.