Ok, first off (this part is directed to angel of mercy, primarily) - The kusari "big dragon" transport... Currently it has, as part of the model, two large 'hfuel' tanks attached to one side. Would it be possible to alter the model and remove these in 4.85, instead replacing them with exchangeable cargo pod hardpoints, similar to the ones used on the trains and transports?
Image as reference:
Ok, next... cargo amounts for house ships, they need to be increased.
Right now the Kusari Transport has 3200 cargo space, the Liberty Mammoth has 2200 cargo space, the rheinland behemoth has 3000, and the bretonian percheron only has 2600.
These need to be raised - is it any surprise to anyone on the server that almost every trader or smuggler you see is using an advanced train? 5000 cargo space, compared to the 3500 or less on 'house' transports, is why...
I dont know about everyone else, but I'd like to get rid of, or at least reduce, the number of people using generic cargo transports. If we could bump these house-specific transport ships up to 4500-5000 cargo space, they would be looked at as a better alternative - both cargo-wise and RP-wise - to the generic transport and train type ships.
Concerning Id's, I'd almost like the "trader" ID to be removed entirely. It allows entirely too much freedom and anonymity - and I think it would be better for the server as a whole if people who wanted to primarily trade as one of their characters be required to join a trader faction (I mean npc rep factions, not player factions).
For example, if someone chooses to use a percheron because they like the bretonian style or bretonian space in general, they could use a BMM Id, planetform ID, gateway ID, etc. Not only do these ID's fit and allow more RP distinction among traders - but they also have limitations. You cant take a bretonian trader into kusari space without being shot at, so you'd be restricted to liberty/rheinland trade routes only.
Likewise, if you took a rheinland corporation ID (such as ALG or Daumann) you would be restricted from Liberty space because of the trade embargo that exists right now. You'd also be prevented from going into the sigma systems unless you were using the ALG ID, as other rheinland corporations are banned from the sigmas by the GMG.
We need fewer generic players here, as they cause a whole mess of issues RP-wise when interacting with other factions. This doesnt just apply to traders either - what about all the mercenaries, or generic pirates? Would it not be better to have a "Bretonian Mercenary" ID, or a "Rheinland Pirate" ID, limiting the area of operations for those 'generic' players?
I find the amount of merc ID'd players using everything from liberty gunboats to blood dragon bombers a bit ridiculous right now, to be perfectly honest. Everyone has their place in the universe, and you shouldnt be allowed a generic identification that lets you go anywhere you want without repercussions.
I don't think the Trader ID should be removed entirely, but I do agree with it being limited to smaller transports; I believe Kuraine's proposal said 3600 cargo or less.
There are ways to justify the Trader ID, and all of those that I can think of would also point to only having smaller transports. Those of us who want to RP as, for example, running a smaller company that doesn't have a faction would still be able to, and the noticeably lower cargo space would keep those not interested in that kind of role away from the ID. Almost everybody wins.
I agree entirely with making the Big Dragon's fuel tanks into cargo pods and with making house transports a more attractive option.
As for the mercenary ID thing, that doesn't need to be changed. They shouldn't be using Liberty Gunboats at all to begin with, and if I saw a mercenary using a Bretonian ship (for example) on my Hogosha, I wouldn't care that it was a generic ID, I'd be questioning the guy rather thoroughly. Let their actions and equipment show their allegiances. The Mandalorians, for example, use civilian and BHG gear, and have a history of working with the Bretonians. Therefore, they will not likely be greeted warmly in Kusari or by most pirates.
I'm fine with generic players, they keep you on your toes. You can predict how KNF will act, but can you predict how a mercenary in an Eagle using all civilian guns will act? Not as easily. And I find that more interesting than forcing everyone into a box.
EDIT: Something I felt that I should add to the generic ID topic. With the exception of Trader ID and Freelancer ID, generic IDs exchange freedom for more ship limitations. Someone wants to be able to fight for whoever will hire them? Fine, but they can't use cruisers or battleships. Seems like a fair exchange to me.
It's also another reason to restrict Trader ID some.