**..Time ‘your’ time time time time.. ‘UNENDING’... Time, forever... ** **You start to feel a warmth come over your body. You see a glowing figure, a woman, a beautiful woman** **You start to see images flashing in your head. They are spasmodic and hard to make out.** **..Isolation..Death..’Mindshare’.. time time time time ‘infinite’..** **You notice the woman coming closer to you, she seems to be transparent** **You feel a sharp pain go through your body as a connection is made. Everything seems so clear** **The woman’s words begin to make sense**
Time... Time is infinite, never ending, time is irrelevant, time is how you perceive it and how you use it. Time is a constant, a void, time is everything. This is my wisdom to you human.
Time. 2nd shift. I become a part of the mindshare, magnificent, beautiful, everything. The connection is true. Thought is irrelevant, family is everything. I am born.
**You see images of the “Nursery” flash through your head.**
**The words begin to dim slightly and become harder and harder to understand**
**..time..’Your’.. Name.. Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra..** **..’Your’.. Kal Kal Kal Kal.. ‘Ship’.. Ra Ra Ra RAAAAAAAA..** **..Kal’Ra..**
Name.. My name.. Our name. Our name is Kal’Ra. I was dubbed Ra, my partner.. Dubbed Kal. The bond was made, forever binding and unbreakable. A nomad, a ship, forever one and one forever!
Time to sleep. Sleep.. Time.. Unending! We sleep for a thousand years. Time, irrelevant.
Awaken we are. Threat! Alert! Mindshare! Species unknown!
Curious we are, we set out to asses this new species. Groups of 4 or 5. Cloaked, secrete.
**You feel the connection becoming stronger, the words become clearer and clearer.**
As we scouted your civilization, you were deemed hostile and a threat to the mindshare. The 3rd shift began.
**Images flash through your mind, pain takes over your body as you feel the connection growing stronger, as if your where becoming a host to the infiltrators.**
**The pain stops, you feel a relief**
We begin to infiltrate your species, controlling your government your worlds, your exports, your currencies.
**You see thousands upon thousands of images flash in front of your eyes, the information being injected into your mind is overwhelming and painful**
**You feel a wave of sadness come over you**
The mindshare has been cut, shattered, disconnected. Family.. Gone.. Isolated. I wonder through space collecting information on your species as I was originally tasked to do. I begin to establish the Minishare, listening for communication from my family, accumulating data, information.
I shall continue this soon. If you have any tips or suggestions for this please pm me