Before I start I know, I know. When reality and Freelancer come together it rips a whole in reality.
We are upgrading our armor on our ships right? More armor means more mass if I'm thinking right. So to balance things out and not make people whore the best upgrades, why not have this.
The higher your armor upgrade level is, the more mass/weight is put onto your ship, meaning as a result, slower turning speeds and slower strafe speeds.
I think this would add much more thinking into the equipment of our ships and make those ligher faster ships even more deadly, and level VII armor bomber be more as target practice to capital craft. Not to mention vice-verse, but on cruisers and higher it should affect them slightly since they have a huge engine array.
What you guys think? Doable? Bad idea? Or will it rip a hole in reality, then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks the galaxy.:rolleyes:
Imagine a gunboat, like the kusari gunboat or bounty hunter gunship. Both of those ships can be '1 shot' by a supernova hit if their shields go down and they have no armor upgrades. Both ships rely on manuverability to stay alive.
Now, my Kusari gunboat has a MkVIII fighter armor upgrade (2.5 multiplier). The red catamarans used by the dragons are already almost impossible to hit due to their ridiculous manuverability - if my ship was made slower by my armor upgrade, and they became faster by dropping their armor, I wouldnt stand a chance at beating one. Even with things the way they currently are, it's exceptionally difficult to beat an average redcat pilot, and impossible to beat a good bomber pilot using one.
So before we go screwing around with things that could severely hurt the state of pvp here, how about we balance out the 'overpowered' ships and equipment first :P
' Wrote:The higher your armor upgrade level is, the more mass/weight is put onto your ship, meaning as a result, slower turning speeds and slower strafe speeds.
Not necessarily, they could replace the default armo plating with enhanced (more durable armor) of the same weight. There have been some metals that weight the same as steele but with 3x the effect.....I'm not a genius when it comes to alloys.....
' Wrote:Not necessarily, they could replace the default armo plating with enhanced (more durable armor) of the same weight. There have been some metals that weight the same as steele but with 3x the effect.....I'm not a genius when it comes to alloys.....
True enough, but lets imagine that the ships are biult with the best materials available, due to public wanted best pilot safety. Should this happen, more 'layers' of the armor would be added to increase durability.
Adding more metal adds more mass, making it slower that what I am attempting to get at.