from all the replies i have received tells me one thing. you guys have no will to help other factions and all you want to do is sit back a laugh at this matter put up a bounty on me, well if i had a video feed all you would be seeing is my middle finger. the outcast nation is a bunch of LAMES. i have had enough of this drooling kindergarten faction. i will be selling my ship and moving on with my motives of making something fun of these boring times... as far as im concerned the OC nation needs to be renamed retirement home for the weak and useless. this will be my last transmission on this comm channel for i have more important things to do that chat with boring folk.
:::Chopping up the message recently caught::: :::Splicing Data Stream::: :::Anchoring it::: ::IS complete, sending new transmission:::
(-Incoming Transmission-) Comm ID: --INFO WITHHELD-- Location: --INFO WITHHELD-- IFF: Here's a riddle: Look up?
(-Displaying Contents-)
*A video feed pops up on screen, showing a shadowy figure with a wide-brimmed hat*
*His voice is deep, and not recognizable*
Listen, fool. If you think you have the authority to launch full-scale attacks on the most heavily guarded capitols in the six houses, by all means, go ahead. You'll be the only one going though, and will likely end up dead. Which is what you deserve, for being so readily willing to send possibly thousands of Outcasts to their deaths.
IF... *The man pauses for a moment before continuing* ...You were actually a part of the Maltese Navy, and rank higher than recruit... maybe, just maybe, you would actually be respected. But guess what. You're not. Now keep in mind, I'm not implying that I have the authority to do any of this; that is part of the reason why I kept my identity and location anonymous. However, I am pointing out that you do not. Leave, before someone decides to kill you. Besides the people that are already after you, of course!
*The man laughs before the video feed cuts off*
(-Terminating Transmission-)
:::Severing Data Stream Splice::: ::lugging it so No-One Can Trace it Back::: /-/Shutting down Data Insertion Software/-/