Though I had nothing to do with the RP encounters that you're claiming to be so ridiculously's really starting to irritate how you think so much of an AI faction.
Lets get this straight. You are very unworldly and strange beings in lore. It's any wonder you're in lore at all but hey-ho. My point is, machines are, under no circumstances, going to be treated as friendly by anyone. There's that element of curiosity, nerves, anxiety that will be in human instinct whenever they're faced with a machine (cruisers being large ones as well) that's talking to them. If they're self-aware, that's even worse. The fact that, whenever i've encountered you with CL} or anyone else, you've never shown much in way of a friendly attitude (this is the faction in general, not a personal attack)...that's also not going to harbour a respectful response. That's the mental side of it.
Then there's your implied power-gaming where you seem to think that you should be referred to as some superior being by everyone you encounter. That's never going to happen so please step off the stool that you think you stand so highly on and come back down to the same level of thinking as everyone else.
Lastly, there's your incessant whining about both points and therefore your faction will gather a bad reputation for crying whenever you're pipes and metal frames aren't kissed accordingly.
Change the attitude of the faction and you might get somewhere.
EDIT: Now i've just seen your response to CL} after the 2ic (we'll ignore Jayce's retarded flaming) told you to shove it. Instead of taking the response on the chin and declaring diplomatic hostility, you decided to once again start meta-gaming, revealing that you in fact allegedly already know that they're addicted to Cardamine, thus apparently invalidating any response that we give you. It's like you already knew what we were going to say so you started throwing your toys out the pram once you were rejected.
I could also just drop my opinion in the [AI] faction chat, but since this started out publicly, on the forums and should also end here I will not.
The thing is, Hasslhoff, that in this case I have to agree with those who criticise your behaviour as result of your encounter. While I can see that you are concerned about the faction not just simply bending over and being used and abused as cheap source of bluemessages, lolz or whatever it may be, you are sometimes taking it to far. And when you as a faction leader do that, it is not only going to affect you as an individual but also the group of people that have come together "under your banner", so to speak, and often not in a positive way. Especially the AI faction should have found out in the past that trying to play the nice guy period does not work all so well, but on the other hand intending to establish oneself as a, say, "superpower", being able to oppose anything and anyone and whatnot, does neither.
In relation to this I also have to say that reading something like "The intentions of the Consensus about saving the reality and existence[...]" indeed left me with some kind of a bitter aftertaste. I mean, really? Without suggesting anything, how could you write something like this and not think yourself 'Hell, how blatantly naive and arrogant does that sound'. And it does not even do that in a way that would be inRPly enjoyable, acceptable or whatever, but just in a very, very strong approach of metagamyness and too much ooRP self-confidence.
And yes, there indeed often are opportunities to see players interact with an AI in a way that, even with the legit premise of humans being extremely cautious and suspicious towards something so, well, inhuman as intelligent machines, is more of a bad joke than those used in this kind of conversations (those encounters are mostly not worth ranting about on the forums anyway). But on the other hand, stacking a little bit less high in terms of expectations as well as in terms of your view on the faction in roleplay should be an option worth considering.
Squished bigly ~Champ- Thanks, you're a champ. "What's the word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is all right?"
I already told you Hass, if they start acting like this then call them "stupid monkeys"
or something more elaborate. Make them angry.
The AI maybe don't understand what is an insult but will see the efect of some words in huma behavior as empirical data. And because angry humans make more mistakes makes sense in try it.
As for the critics to the lore. I'm agree, the story simple don't work.
This user talks little to none english. If you find something wrong tell him.
Though I had nothing to do with the RP encounters that you're claiming to be so ridiculously's really starting to irritate how you think so much of an AI faction.
Lets get this straight. You are very unworldly and strange beings in lore. It's any wonder you're in lore at all but hey-ho. My point is, machines are, under no circumstances, going to be treated as friendly by anyone. There's that element of curiosity, nerves, anxiety that will be in human instinct whenever they're faced with a machine (cruisers being large ones as well) that's talking to them. If they're self-aware, that's even worse. The fact that, whenever i've encountered you with CL} or anyone else, you've never shown much in way of a friendly attitude (this is the faction in general, not a personal attack)...that's also not going to harbour a respectful response. That's the mental side of it.
Then there's your implied power-gaming where you seem to think that you should be referred to as some superior being by everyone you encounter. That's never going to happen so please step off the stool that you think you stand so highly on and come back down to the same level of thinking as everyone else.
Lastly, there's your incessant whining about both points and therefore your faction will gather a bad reputation for crying whenever you're pipes and metal frames aren't kissed accordingly.
Change the attitude of the faction and you might get somewhere.
EDIT: Now i've just seen your response to CL} after the 2ic (we'll ignore Jayce's retarded flaming) told you to shove it. Instead of taking the response on the chin and declaring diplomatic hostility, you decided to once again start meta-gaming, revealing that you in fact allegedly already know that they're addicted to Cardamine, thus apparently invalidating any response that we give you. It's like you already knew what we were going to say so you started throwing your toys out the pram once you were rejected.
That's just poor. Really poor.
I might want to add that I've been an element of this faction circa it's first official incarnation, and I've never seen any evidence of metagaming, sub-par Rp, or pewhoring.
I might also add that the CL} (official) response was hugely aggressive, but entirely inrp. What did you expect but an imitation of that? You're talking to an alien species and you have behaved in a manner which the AI's are entirely free to misinterpret as arrogance. You also mistake the fact that the Consensus has had a number of previous Rp interactions with the Contari, are InRp aware of Cardi's existence, have gathered a considerable quantity of (public) data through liaisons with the Edge world Zoners over an in game time period of two years, and thus would be aware of the OC's on some basic level.
Luke, where are you coming from?
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Who's your first line aimed at? I didn't accuse them of sub-par RP initially, that's just implied by my argument. They're accusing everyone else of such quite openly, every time they're likened to that of some electronic device.
Read the comms post Achille. "The lack of understanding your culture just became unimportant" - implying that they'd just that second found out that we're somehow not to be trusted when it's in Outcasts culture and subsequently their RP, not to take nicely to threats from others. It suggests that AI representatives weren't happy with the response he was given from the official 2ic and decided to get all childish about it.
Plus, Outcasts simply are relatively arrogant people. Read the name "Outcast". Buuut whatever, the damage is done and doesn't invalidate my initial point on how HassLHoFF seems to believe that AI are a superior species to the rest of Sirius. That kind of delusion clouds judgement.
I have never said we are the "SUPERIOR" race in sirius. I just denunciate that inRP CL do not have any knowledge about what we are or what a threat we can obviously be. they know nothing about us. sure that might be considered as outcast RP, but what happend ingame was just lame. so by this fact that they do not know anything about us, i can simply play the card for reaching fear and anger in their minds with basic human phrases. That's general psychology.
For the other critics we have never metagamed or powergamed, transmission to CL JUST BELONGS to CL. We have inRP the knowledge about them. This is more war-strategy to break enemies mind.
Well next time I'll just write:
::[Ship_XY]Overwriting ship automations::
::[Ship_XY]Hacking successful::
::[Ship_XY]Activating Self-Destruction::
This, you can consider powergaming. Even though especially this is some realistic ability AIs should have.
The way the most official factions rping with us is totally arrogant, stupid, annoying, uninformed and unprofessional. I allways try to put hints and phrase that MUST logicially QUESTIONED every person inRP for example the phrase yamato quoted : The Consensus target about saving the reality and existence.
(03-05-2014, 06:26 PM)Luke. Wrote: Who's your first line aimed at? I didn't accuse them of sub-par RP initially, that's just implied by my argument. They're accusing everyone else of such quite openly, every time they're likened to that of some electronic device.
Read the comms post Achille. "The lack of understanding your culture just became unimportant" - implying that they'd just that second found out that we're somehow not to be trusted when it's in Outcasts culture and subsequently their RP, not to take nicely to threats from others. It suggests that AI representatives weren't happy with the response he was given from the official 2ic and decided to get all childish about it.
Plus, Outcasts simply are relatively arrogant people. Read the name "Outcast". Buuut whatever, the damage is done and doesn't invalidate my initial point on how HassLHoFF seems to believe that AI are a superior species to the rest of Sirius. That kind of delusion clouds judgement.
Luke, I read the post extensively before posting here - your present argument is based upon an interpretation of dialogue, which (InRp), is fine.
Consensus AI's InRp view themselves as a superior race, yes, in much the same way as humanity considers itself superior and the K'hara superior themselves. I'm not accusing you of anything, but I just fail to see how this is an Oorp issue, on any grounds. Why would we consider ourselves the the Gallia of the Omicrons Oorply, when empirical, role-play and gameplay evidence proves the contrary?
Perhaps I'm missing something in your argument.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)