Now how to address this properly.
I am not the most tech savy out there. I have taken screen shots but the image is to big to download here. I won't jam my system with useless programs that want me to download a bunch of extra crap just to reduce a file so I can send it and god only knows what else I got.
Why not make a App on screen to take a pic and it is sent to a file caption right here.
Then before logging out, it will as if you want pics uploaded to your personal file ( this is where a screen would show up and ask for you personnel ID and info to the account you want the pics placed) so we can post them without downloading all kinds of garbage, how hard is that
Make a simple app using a F-key that allows you to take a pic and it goes to your on-line personnel file, from there it can be converted and uploaded to share with the concerns and keeping tabs on rule breakers
I have no luck posting a pic like I said I won't bog down my system with garbage I this is the only on-line game I play.
I'm sure the on-line community with-out head aches of downloads and B.S. would agree even put in a direct forum directed to you, and for anything else that happens for $$$ transfers, ships purchases, trades etc. I refuse to download all kinds of crap from the net to post a pic.
I'm just frustrated I can't post pics when I need to post them.
Thanks for reading best flight to all....see ya in space
1.) Take screenshot.
2.) Open it in MS Paint.
3.) Save as... -> Save it as a .png.
4.) Upload it to a pic sharing site.
5.) Insert link to it in your report.
And you don't even have to download MS Paint. (Unless you use Linux, but who uses that for gaming?)
I use Imgur, because it lets me link pictures as direct images. PB, sadly, only links direct pictures if you are logged in as a user. If not, then for each pic it will open the whole page.
When it comes to screenshot size, I use fraps to take them as JPGs. Incidentally, I bound the screenshot button to my middle mouse, which acts as my torpedo launch button. Hue. Some rather epic SSs were made.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: