Back on topic.
I'd love it if some mod cleaned all the flood stuff.
Also, please. Keep the whole thing on track and don't derail valid threads.
'Cause this is not just about Zoners, but about communication between Devs, Admins and the Community.
As quite some people had pointed out, Discovery is not about game itself, nor is it about the devs and admins, but it's about the community - players, each and every one.
Since the community itself is vast, it's impossible to keep everyone happy, but let's at least try to keep it fun.
And civil.
No hating Jinx will help, no pointing towards conspir[A]cy will help either. We have to work out a kind of a compromise between all the groups involved in any changes, if only to avoid sh*tstorms like the one we could see when the change happened to endanger Zoner capline.
Just... Work it out.
Find out a way to keep everyone, if not happy, then at least content with what's going on. And please, try not to ruin this community any further.
I had great time being a part of this community and would hate to see it go to waste, because fascist admins, overambitious devs, trolling zonerzonerzoners or whatever.
We're one society, even if we come from all around the world, let's try to live up to this name, and make a group of people who, despite not agreeing with each other on many occasions, still enjoy being around one another and spending their time in game.