Dear respectful and humble Council, My name is Kormann. I hold the Unioner alliance with the Corsairs in very high regard. The shelter that Lagos Depot has provided me in the Sigma 13 system has been invaluable on several occasions. I personally visited Omicron Gamma earlier today to bring a...... request. I was told to state my request through official channels so here we go.
There is a situation that has been developing in the Sigma 13 system for the past week. Republican Shipping has been moving massive amounts of supplies, ores, and other goods through that system. I intend to stop them or at least make their life as inconvenient as possible. At first I was able to achieve this to some effect, but recently they have started organizing. So yesterday I transmitted a message on an encrypted channel to rally as many Unioners as I could. I did receive several responses, but now I am faced with another problem. This new Republican Shipping organization has grown to such an extent that I fear even with help from other Unioners we won't be able to stop them alone.
Humble Council I realize our fight with Republican Shipping has very little relevance on the Corsairs, but after the massive convey I witnessed today It is clear the Unioners will need help on this one. I know that asking you to involve your people in another fight is no small request. All I ask is that you consider lending me a hand whenever you can spare the ships. Obviously any money that is skimmed of Republican Shipping Transports will be share with the Council of Elders. Thank you for your time