The Red pirate flags were a symbol that little or no mercy would be given. The pirates were looking for an early surrender and an easy conquest through fear and intimidation. The French name for the red flag was the Jolie Rouge ( a cynical term translated as Pretty Red ). The red pirate flags were quickly replaced by black pirate flags. It was a natural progression for the pirates. The color black symbolized death. Black flags were traditionally flown on Plague ships as a warning to other ships. The pirates flew under flags called the 'banner of King Death'. The black and red pirate flags were further embellished with more graphic symbols of death...
The crew that used the red flag was a fearless and brave crew, denies defeat, and enjoys victory with celebration and rum, But also men and women of honor, And pirates, Who got caught by the royal forces and joined Her Majesty's Privateers under the So called The 'Letter of Marque', They became loyal to the cause, fighting her enemies, But also it didn't stop them from doing their pirate actions, But withing the borders of the Letter, They plundered from their enemies for their own, They were a crew that had no sympathy over nobody, leaving no prisoners, saving no one, Old men, women, children, all were killed.