Greetings, I am Coriko Lameos, the Exports Officer of the Traders Guild.
The Guild would like to trade embargoed goods, into and out of the Tau systems. However, trade of these is limited to the Bretonian bases.
There are 3 Bretonian bases within the Taus - Planet Harris, Battleship Macduff, and the Tau 31 Gate Construction Site
Whilst only Battleship Macduff is directly under your jurisdiction, Planetform inc. and Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing are your allies. Therefore we feel they should be trusted to receive such goods.
Planet Harris is currently in the process of terraforming, and therefore in need of vast amounts of Deterium, it would speak badly for you to prevent your allies from getting the commodities they need. Also, Planet Harris is under close guard of a BAF Battleship, therefore risk of this being passed on is unlikely.
Only our Zoner brethren create mass amounts of Deterium, primarily at Gran Canaria. We as a Zoner trading guild are therefore ideal candidates for trading such a material. Needless to say we will take all possible precautions with such chemicals, to ensure both our safety, and prevent any potentiality of toxic spillages in space.
At present only the trade of Deterium to Planet Harris is in both of our best interests. Should there be opportunity for more profitable trade of the other embargoed goods to the Bretonian bases in the Taus we would like your trust and approval that we may carry them.
With this in mind we request that we may be allowed to trade all embargoed goods to Bretonian bases within the Taus:
Plutonium, Deuterium, Hfuel, MOX, Military Vehicles, Light Arms, Ship Hull panels, Engine Components
Whilst carrying such materials we would not cross the border at any point, therefore removing the KNF's potential to steal these substances, and ensuring that you may escort us through your space to these destinations.
We understand they are requesting access for illegal goods to enter the Taus, but only as long as they are kept within Bretonian borders (which end at Holman, not at the Leeds-Tau31 jump gate). Therefore we can take these into the Taus without leaving Bretonian space.
The Traders Guild would in no way like to break the embargo, that would be against Guild policy, Bretonian policy and Kusari policy. The Traders Guild prides itself on being fully lawful, whether watched or not. In breaking laws or angering parties our trade will be limited by creating enemies, that is the opposite of our desired goals.
Any Guild member found breaking these regulations will be heavily punished, we have an internal sanctioning system so please, if you see these broken at any time please quietly inform the ranking members, including evidence, so we may privately deal with the matter.
If you wish for any clarification or additional or altered regulations to be added then please state them.
Full route details will not be publicly published, for safety concerns, and because they are constantly being researched.
However, I am happy to tell you route details over private communications, all will conform to these regulations I assure you.
No route concerning entering or leaving the Taus, through Bretonia, will be approved or legalised by the Guild until we receive your confirmation that the regulations are sufficient.
Thankyou for your time and consideration,
Coriko Lameos
I am aware that I do not have authorisation to grant you a carte-blanche license to trade military goods into the Taus, therefore I do not propose to do so. However, I am also aware that all of my superiors appear to be on leave at present, and after lengthy discussions and negotications with the Traders Guild, I am prepared to grant you the right to sell deuterium to planet Harris, providing you agree to Bretonian escorts accompanying you to ensure that the deuterium reaches this and no other destination. I grant this on the understanding that the Bretonian Charter of Interstellaw Law instructs the Bretonian Police and Military to ensure that "Ships carrying [restricted items] within Bretonia, and headed for the Tau Systems will be required to drop it off at a Bretonian base" and that I consider Harris, as well as the Battleship Macduff, to fall under the category of a "Bretonian base" and that I therefore consider this agreement to be within both the spirit and the letter of said Charter, and therefore not in contravention of Bretonian Law. I add that other military goods will remain not-transportable into the Tau at the present time, and this agreement will be instantly suspended if any Traders Guild vessels are sighted entering Kusari-held space with deuterium on-board.
I agree to this provisionally on the understanding that my superiors in the QCRF, at the earliest opportunity, shall review this agreement and have complete power to amend or nullify the agreement as they see fit with no warning.