From: Ichiro Takahashi
Location: Luxury Liner Hawaii, Sigma-19 System
Good day to you all.
I have previously not dealt with you all. I have, however, been assured that, despite many popular misconceptions, the Corsairs are an honorable people.
With that in mind, I wonder if we might negotiate a bit. Though I am but the captain of a transport ship, I would very much like to help you all out. I have heard that your home planet is quite lacking is food. My crew and I are more than willing to help supply you with the finest Planet Kyushu has to offer. We are also more than willing to routinely bring more, or other supplies if they would be better.
In return, I would like to request permission to enter Corsair space in order to obtain Deuterium for Kusari. In addition, I would prefer there is no mention of this to the Kusari authorities.
Let me know if such a deal could be arranged.
I thank you all for your time and hope I might be able to deal with you all in the future.
You have clearance to bring shipments of food, light arms and counterfeit software to crete or any of the Corsair bases. Please feel free to use my bar tab everytime you deliver food stuffs to crete as I appreciate there is little profit. Should you wish to take Artifacts away this will also be permitted.
My vessel is the Kusari Transport Ship Kunashir (KTS_Kunashir). I very much appreciate this. The Corsairs are indeed far more honorable than popular opinion would have one believe.