[: : : Incoming transmission: : :]
Sender: Kurumi Saeki
Recipient: Guillaume De Calais
Encryption: Waltz
Subject: I want my dance.
I didn't get what I wanted. And I always get what I want. So, you still owe me with that dance. It doesn't matter how bad your sense of balance is, or how bad you might be at dancing. You'll just have to make sure I enjoy it.
Bonjour, ma chère Kurumi. He smiles directly at the camera. So, you still want that dance? Very well. If you'd come again to Freeport 10, I know just the place for that sort of activity.
Bonjour, ma chère Kurumi. How about meeting at the same restaurant than last time? At, say, 7 P.M? How does that sound to you?
Guillaume De Calais