in honor of their longstanding time in leadership.
Personal Progression:
Aviator's Wings are hereby issued to
• Lieutenant Durgurth Doe
• Lieutenant James Rustler
in recognition of their new rank.
Instruction Awards:
Benefactor Ribbon is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Rachel Baker
for her enhancement of team spirit.
Campaign Service Medals:
The Rheinland Campaign Medal is hereby issued to
• Commander Reginald Lewis
Leeds Defense Medal is hereby issued to
• Commander Reginald Lewis
Hellfire Legion Service Medal is hereby issued to
• Commander Reginald Lewis
Homeland Defense Medal is hereby issued to
• Commander Reginald Lewis
for you earned all these years ago, however they weren't properly filed, and that was only recently pointed out after your return a few months ago from your extended absence in the Reserves.
It's always an honor to hand these out. Superb job out there, everyone.
We're a bit behind on processing Campaign Service Medals ... more Message Dump reports and recommendation forms would be much appreciated. Thanks! That is all.
• Lieutenant Commander Christopher Rowe
• Lieutenant Commander Malachy Marshall
• Lieutenant Benjamin Cohen
• Ensign Kenneth Western
for their exemplary performances in combat for the protection of Liberty and her people.
Personal Progression:
Aviators Wings is hereby issued to
• Lieutenant Commander Christopher Rowe
• Lieutenant Commander Malachy Marshall
• Lieutenant Benjamin Cohen
• Lieutenant James Arland
for reaching, and for some of you, exceeding the rank of Lieutenant.
Longevity of Active Service:
Command Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral James Lambert
• Admiral Rohj Teerin
for service in the Primary Fleet in a major commanding position for more than 18 months.
Silver Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Commander John Graham
• Lieutenant Commander Malachy Marshall
for service in the Primary Fleet of more than 12 months.
Bronze Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Commander Alan Jones
• Lieutenant Commander Tyrone Carter
for service in the Primary Fleet of more than 6 months.
Instruction Awards:
Recruiter Ribbon is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral James Lambert
for assisting in the recruitment of a fine new pilot, who has made it beyond the rank of Cadet.
It has been a pleasure handing out these awards as the new acting Quartermaster of the Fleet, and I am looking forward to handing out many more during my time in this position.
Keep up the good work everyone, remember to contact myself or the Admiralty if you believe a fellow serviceman or servicewoman deserves an award for their actions.
The Bretonian Expeditionary Medal is hereby issued to
• Lieutenant Benjamin Cohen
• Ensign Kenneth Western
for their actions in Leeds during and after the surprise attack on Oubli.
Non-Standard Operations:
The Joint Service Ribbon is hereby issued to
• Lieutenant Benjamin Cohen
for working with the Bundschuh against an Alien threat in Hudson.
Longevity of Active Service:
The Gold Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Captain Michael Morse
• Commander William Jensen
• Commander Zoe Valentine
• Ensign Ryan Atlas
for their utmost perseverance, long standing dedication and continued service within the Liberty Navy.
The Silver Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Commander Hélène Dupuis
for her long standing dedication and continued service within the Liberty Navy.
The Bretonia Expeditonary Medal is hereby also awared to the various Captains and Pilots of the Secondary and Fifth Fleets, for their actions against the Gallic Armada during the destruction of the Oubli which allowed the Liberty Navy to achieve their objective. The sacrifice of these brave men and women will not be forgotten.
for demonstrating courage and perseverance in the face of daunting and grave circumstances, such as those faced by Admiral Teerin whilst leading a Navy bomber wing whilst withdrawing during Operation Royal Flush. His success in leading that bomber wing led to a successful withdrawl, and many lives were saved as a result - a meritorious action that shall not be overlooked.
The Bronze Star is hereby issued to
• Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Cohen
for challenging great perils and placing his life on the line, as shown in his valiant efforts during the aptly-named Hudson Crisis. His ability to keep calm under pressure contributed to the success of the defensive operation, and as such, he is awarded for his sheer personal merit.
The Prisoner of War Medal is hereby issued to
• Admiral Remus Sius
for surviving and persevering in a hostage situation for a period of two weeks.
Combat Expertise Recognition:
The Warship Command Pin is hereby issued to
• Admiral Remus Sius
• Vice Admiral Rachel Baker
for destroying or disabling twenty or more hostile vessels whilst serving as CO or XO of a warship.
Non-Standard Operations:
The Liberty Logistics Badge is hereby issued to
• Captain Alan Jones
• Commander Malachy Marshall
for their ever dutiful handling of the Logistics Service.
Longevity of Active Service:
The Gold Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Lieutenant Commander Zoe Valentine
• Ensign Ryan Atlas
for serving a period of twenty-four months within the Liberty Navy.
Unit Merit Citations:
The Navy Gallant Unit Citation is hereby issued to the crews of:
• BB-14 LNS Alma
• FF-570 LNS Fearless
for displaying a meritorious level of service to the Navy, especially regarding their actions in the Hudson Crisis. The crews of the Alma and the Fearless are role models for the rest of the Navy, and act as prime examples of the level of responsibility, gallantry, and service that the Navy expects.
The President of Liberty in the name of The Congress takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR to
for service as set forth in the following
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of her life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Commanding Officer of 1FLT during the Hudson Crisis on June 26, 822. Flying her personal Guardian-class snubcraft as part of a larger 1FLT task force, she was called upon to lead her forces in order to stop an unexpected assault on Hudson. As Commanding Officer of the Task Force, Vice Admiral Baker distinguished herself when she willingly sacrificed her vessel and nearly her own life in order to ensure the full withdrawl of Naval forces from the yet unidentified anomaly. By her undaunted courage, fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty, Vice Admiral Baker reflected great credit upon herself and upheld the highest traditions of the Liberty Naval Service.
Signed, James Powell
The President of Liberty in the name of The Congress takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR to
for service as set forth in the following
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Commanding Officer of the Liberty Naval Ship Fearless during the Hudson Crisis on June 26, 822. Commanding the Fearless, a Defiant-class Gunboat serving under the First Fleet, Vice Admiral Lambert demonstrated extreme bravery and heroism by being among the first vessels to enter the mysterious anomaly in the Hudson system, and emerge unto a highly hostile and completely unknown Nomad-infested system. Vice Admiral Lambert placed his life on the line not only to allow the successful withdrawl of all Naval vessels, but also to ensure the safety of Vice Admiral Baker after her vessel was destroyed within the unknown anomaly. His actions on that day reflect great credit towards Vice Admiral Lambert and uphold the highest traditions of the Liberty Naval Service.
Signed, James Powell
The President of Liberty in the name of The Congress takes pride in presenting the PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION to the crew, both living and killed in action, of
Liberty Naval Ship CLOVERFIELD [BB-19]
for service as set forth in the following
For extraordinary heroism and outstanding performance in action against enemy forces in defense of the Hudson System on June 26, 822. During this time, the crew of the Cloverfield, led by executive officer Commander Natalie A. Reaser, entered an unknown anomaly in order to defend the system of Hudson from possible alien incursion. The Cloverfield, in tandem with 1FLT elements, destroyed a large number of hostile alien craft and disabled many others, before the order was given to withdraw back to known space. While many of 1FLT and its supporting elements - as well as freelancers and civilians caught in the anomaly - dispersed and exited the system, the Cloverfield and her crew waited until the last possible moment to ensure the safe withdrawl of all forces. In doing so, the Cloverfield was critically wounded upon entry into known space, losing a majority of her engine compartment and a total of eighty-seven killed in action, in addition to fourty-nine missing in action. The sailors, marines, and pilots aboard the Liberty Naval Ship Cloverfield faced certain death and impossible odds, yet, through sheer courage and force of will, completed their objectives and ensured the safety of not only the First Fleet, but the entirety of Liberty and perhaps even Sirius. Their sacrifices are in keeping with the highest traditions of the Liberty Naval Service, and they shall never be forgotten.
The Distinguished Service Medal is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
for continued long-standing dedication to the navy.
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
for her service to the Liberty Navy First Fleet in times of utmost need during the transitional periods.
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
for her service to the Liberty Navy First Fleet in times of utmost need during the transitional periods.
The Silver Star is hereby issued to
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
for demonstrating courage and perseverance in face of daunting and grave circumstances aboard the LNS Cloverfied while repelling a nomad attack during the Hudson crisis, where many great Libertonian men and lives were lost in July 822.
• Lieutenant Commander Kelly O'Brien
for demonstrating courage and perseverance in face of daunting and grave circumstances in defense and protection of the Foreign Affairs delegation, where Lieutenant Commander O'Brien was sighted leading an attack on the Alien vessels during their ambush on the LNS Jacobi as well as readily defending the ship against a surprise attack from a single perpetrator during her temporary service in the First Fleet as a chosen escort for the delegation.
The Bronze Star is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
for challenging great perils with the high risk of capture in the system of Magellan following a failed attack on the Gallic border defenses where Alan Jones under the rank of Lieutenant bought time for a retreat of the Libertonian forces through engaging in combat with the Gallic Commanding officer and disregarding the enemies surrender propaganda for the foreign legion, resulting in the destruction of his vessel with a very lucky ejection with high chances of being captured.
• Commander Avery Reeves
for challenging great perils with the high risk of capture in the system of Omicron Delta in the protection of the External Security and Research Division's utility vessel "Eerie" following an attack from Corsair and Order forces, until the relief force from the Core arrived.
• Commander John Graham (posthumously)
for challenging great perils with high risks in defense and in protection of Libertonian civilian lives against a surprise terrorist attack in vicinity of Planet Manhattan - Fort Bush lane within the Detroit Field at the cost of his own life and the crew of the Defiant-class Coral Sea.
Combat Expertise Recognition:
The Combat Action Award is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Commander Avery Reeves
• Commander Alexander Kingston
• Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman
• Lieutenant Commander Sarah Nessel
• Lieutenant Icarus Reed
• Lieutenant Ryan Dagino
• Lieutenant Brandon Lynch
in recognition of their role in recent Fleet actions.
The Combat Superiority Pin is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
for downing a pirate craft, a legionnaire and an outcast in a single engagement on his own in the New York System while under the rank of Commander.
The Fighter Ace Pin is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
• Commander Avery Reeves
• Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman
• Lieutenant John McZgonn
for their accumulation of confirmed kills while piloting fighter craft.
The Bomber Ace Pin is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
• Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman
• Lieutenant Commander Sarah Nessel
• Lieutenant Icarus Reed
as they have downed a sufficient number of hostiles while in a bomber.
The Warship Command Pin is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
for destroying or disabling twenty or more hostile vessels whilst serving as CO or XO of a warship.
Non-Standard Operations:
The Liberty Navy Commendation Badge is hereby issued to:
• Commander Avery Reeves
for his assistance of a Cadet in the Navy.
• Lieutenant Oliver MacLeod
for his assistance of a multitude of members of the Navy especially newcomers.
The Liberty Logistics Badge is hereby issued to
• Commander Avery Reeves
• Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman
• Lieutenant Icarus Reed
who have contributed substantially to the Corps.
The Liberty Contraband Ribbon is hereby issued to
• Commander Avery Reeves
• Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman
• Lieutenant Icarus Reed
to those that have proven to have the utmost skill and ability in catching shipments of contraband or embargoed materials.
The Joint Service Ribbon is hereby issued to
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
• Lieutenant Oliver MacLeod
• Lieutenant John McZgonn
who have in the past have lent a hand to assist friends of Liberty.
Longevity of Active Service:
The Gold Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
• Captain William Jensen
for serving a period of over twenty-four months within the Liberty Navy.
The Silver Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Commander Alexander Kingston
for serving a period of over twelve months within the Liberty Navy.
The Bronze Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Lieutenant John McZgonn
• Commander Alexander Kingston
for serving a period of over six months within the Liberty Navy.
Personal Progression:
The Aviator's Wings are hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
• Commander Avery Reeves
• Commander Alexander Kingston
• Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman
• Lieutenant Commander Sarah Nessel
• Lieutenant Oliver MacLeod
• Lieutenant John McZgonn
• Lieutenant Ryan Dagino
• Lieutenant Icarus Reed
• Lieutenant Brandon Lynch
for reaching the pay grade of Lieutenant.
The Liberty's Wings are hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
for excellent service to the Liberty Navy First Fleet.
Instruction Awards:
The Recruiter Ribbon is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
For her valued assistance in the Recruitment process in the Liberty Navy.
Campaign Service Medals:
The Rheinland Campaign Medal is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
for their past service in the Rheinland War.
The Leeds Defense Medal is hereby issued to
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
for her voluntary service and exemplary work in assisting the Kingdom of Bretonia in the defense of Leeds.
The Bretonian Expeditionary Medal is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
• Lieutenant Oliver MacLeod
• Lieutenant John McZgonn
for their assistance to the Kingdom of Bretonia in thwarting the Gallic war machine.
The Homeland Defence Medal is hereby issued to
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
• Commander Avery Reeves
• Lieutenant Commander Sarah Nessel
• Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman
• Lieutenant Oliver MacLeod
• Lieutenant Icarus Reed
• Lieutenant John McZgonn
• Lieutenant Ryan Dagino
• Lieutenant Brandon Lynch
for their commitment and continued determination in the defense of the capital system of the Republic of Liberty.
The Hellfire Legion Service Medal is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
• Commander Avery Reeves
• Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman
• Lieutenant Icarus Reed
for their defiance in the face of counter-revolutionaries, terrorists, and enemies of the state who tried to overthrow the current government of the Republic of Liberty .
Keep up the good work. If you believe that you or a fellow serviceman or servicewoman deserves a medal, do not hesitate contact the Admiralty with your suggestions.
The Navy is proud of you all. Safe skies out there.
in recognition of their role in recent Fleet actions.
The Combat Superiority Pin is hereby issued to
• Captain Evelyn Palmer
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain Frank Burnet
• Captain Alexander Kingston
for downing a pirate craft, a legionnaire and an outcast in a single engagement on his own in the New York System while under the rank of Commander.
The Fighter Ace Pin is hereby issued to
• Captain Evelyn Palmer
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain Alexander Kingston
• Captain Frank Burnet
for their accumulation of confirmed kills while piloting fighter craft.
The Bomber Ace Pin is hereby issued to
• Captain Frank Burnet
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain Alexander Kingston
as they have downed a sufficient number of hostiles while in a bomber.
The Warship Command Pin is hereby issued to
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain Alexander Kingston
for destroying or disabling twenty or more hostile vessels whilst serving as CO or XO of a warship.
Non-Standard Operations:
The Liberty Logistics Badge is hereby issued to
• Lieutenant Commander James Davis
who have contributed substantially to the Corps.
Longevity of Active Service:
The Command Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Jason Kazuo
• Admiral Alan Jones
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Vice Admiral Daniel Redding
in honor of their longstanding time in leadership.
The Gold Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Jason Kazuo
• Admiral Alan Jones
• Admiral Natalie Reaser
• Vice Admiral Daniel Redding
• Captain Alexander Kingston
for serving a period of over twenty-four months within the Liberty Navy.
The Silver Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Fleet Admiral Jason Kazuo
• Vice AdmiralDaniel Redding
• Captain Evelyn Palmer
• Captain Frank Burnet
• Captain Alexander Kingston
• Captain Marcus Robinson
for serving a period of over twelve months within the Liberty Navy.
The Bronze Service Pin is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Daniel Redding
• Captain Evelyn Palmer
• Captain John Hemmingway
• Captain Alexander Kingston
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain Frank Burnet
• Commander Jeremiah Sawyer
for serving a period of over six months within the Liberty Navy.
Personal Progression:
The Aviator's Wings are hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Daniel Redding
• Captain Evelyn Palmer
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain John Hemmingway
• Lieutenant Commander James Davis
• Lieutenant Marcus Carter
for reaching the pay grade of Lieutenant.
Campaign Service Medals:
The Leeds Defense Medal is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Daniel Redding
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain Alexander Kingston
• Captain Frank Burnet
for her voluntary service and exemplary work in assisting the Kingdom of Bretonia in the defense of Leeds.
The Bretonian Expeditionary Medal is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Daniel Redding
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain Alexander Kingston
• Captain Frank Burnet
for their assistance to the Kingdom of Bretonia in thwarting the Gallic war machine.
The Homeland Defence Medal is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Daniel Redding
• Captain Evelyn Palmer
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain John Hemmingway
• Captain Frank Burnet
• Commander Jeremiah Sawyer
for their commitment and continued determination in the defense of the capital system of the Republic of Liberty.
The Hellfire Legion Service Medal is hereby issued to
• Vice Admiral Daniel Redding
• Captain Evelyn Palmer
• Captain Marcus Robinson
• Captain Alexander Kingston
• Captain Frank Burnet
• Commander Jeremiah Sawyer
for their defiance in the face of counter-revolutionaries, terrorists, and enemies of the state who tried to overthrow the current government of the Republic of Liberty .
You've made us all proud. If you believe you or any of your fellow service members deserves a medal or award he's yet to receive, feel free to contact any of the admiralty board with your suggestions.
Keep up the good work and hopes for higher achievements for all of you.