[*USI*]Lincoln[M]/[*USI*]T,Marwick[CSO] has been sanctioned for:
Quote:3.2 A player who was killed during a PvP fight in any form, must not enter the system where the fight took place or re-engage the attacker(s) for 2 hours from the time of their destruction, or until this/these ship(s) leave(s) the game.
If you dock out of an interaction your ship counts as dead, this means that you cant take another one to came back to do things.
Angry farmers have taken money and equipment from your ship to cover the fine.
If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE
I would like to see the evidance because as far as I remember the situation was as follows.
1.I am standing outside Erie - infront of Harrisburg station .
2.Indie Xenos comes and demands my cargo - since I am quite safe on the orbit with stationary battleship - I start RPing the situation out taking into consideration Xenos - Universals reputation.
3. After some chitchat comes another ship - If I remember right Pirate ID - and straight from the lane demands 4 000 000c and gives me 10 seconds to dock.
4. I am outside quick dock of Harrisburg so why would I pay anyone anything. He is flying around for 10 s says - Engaging - and shoots SNAC - AT THAT EXACT POINT - I quick dock - WIthout any damage or taking part of any engagement.
3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%.
This part o 3.1 didn't take place.
So I changed to my Grizzly which was just few K futher on other base and start shooting on the pirate. THE only thing I can think of that could happen and I could not see that - was when I quick docked they ingame may have still see my ship with shield down - typical game mechanics that ship shields turn off when docking and they manage to get a screenshot of that to use it against me. Like I ve said - no engagement apart of that quick RP of pirate ID guy didn't take place. Of course later with my Grizzly I did atack the pirate - not the Xeno - and I did fight him for a sec. Not to mention OOC in local etc but that's not the point here.
If this sanction is about that particular situation I consider it unfair. I am playing on this server long enough to memorise rules and I believe this will be like 2nd or 3rd my sanction in years playing here so I am not a person who breaks rules.
EDIT: If you still think I deserve the sanction - fine with me. I will think twice next time I am in such situation and sorry for taking your time.