There is a new mission for IMG vessels that are moving between Omegas and Omega 49 on the Deep Omega Route Alpha.
The Guild has stated an interest in exploring, mapping and documenting the Omega 47 system in greater detail.
Therefore, this channel has been opened for IMG pilots to submit their findings when moving through the system on routine support flights for the Omega 9 operations.
Careful, we do not exactly know what to expect and the Omegas are dangerous.
Here comes my report from today's Recon Mission. Not exactly sure what to say about the system, but we have gathered a bit of an overview, I assume. Hope you can do something with these pictures I shot.
File #1:
Approaching Viernheim Base, a Hessian station near Planet Tangier. It also has a docking ring, but I was hard pressed for time. Perhaps someone else can check this out.
File #2:
Visibility was low when in the yellow nebula surrounding the Omega 5 and O41 hole. With only 3,3k visibility, and reduced scanner capacities, this nebula can be of strategical use, but also can be used to attack us in surprise.
I only saw the ALG Recon Liner because it was fending off some Corsair and Hessian patrols.
******** SENDER: Yisha.McAscott, Transport Captain of the IMG Freighter ``Clear.Sky`` ********
******** TO: IMG Exploration Database ********
Here`s a short Report of our Recon Mission in the Omega 47 today.
While we`re approaching Planet Tangier in this System, the Crew had some time to launch a small Camera Drone to take 2 Pictures of this beautiful Planet and the surrounding Installations.
As you can see on the left side of the Pictures, there`s an unoperating Docking Ring in the upper Atmosphere.
I guess its still under Construction.
On the other Side of the Pictures you can see the Red Hessian Base called ``Viernheim Base``.
Looks like they store the Goods for the Building operation there.
******** SENDER: Josh.Hannigan , Transport Captain of the IMG Freighter ``Sucker.Punch`` ********
******** TO: IMG Exploration Database ********
Report from Omega 47 Recon mission today, and some nice pictures of planet Rabat and Corsair base near Omega 49 jump hole. Base defence is strong, so try and avoid it.
Like I said avoid Corsair base, I lost some turrets while taking the last two pictures of it.
******** SENDER: Gary Shaw, Transport Captain of the Gateway Train ``Gyrados`` ********
******** TO: IMG Exploration Database ********
Here`s a Quick little Report of my Findings whilst helping Recon Mission in the Omega 47 today :
Whilst Coming out the Omega 49 Jump hole I Caught glimpse of a Station hidden behind Planet Rabbit, upon investigating this I found it to be a Corsair base : Casablanca Sector E/F 6...Due to Corsair Hostility with my Ship I had to retreat. However base appears to be Small-Medium Sized Space Station
[14.03.2021 12:15:25] BRR!-Buckfast: How about 10 millon pal!
[14.03.2021 12:15:37] BRR!-Buckfast: Your Majesty The Rich Director!
[14.03.2021 12:15:45] Gateway|-GSX-Triebfeder: Thats more like it
[14.03.2021 12:15:56] Gateway|-GSX-Triebfeder: Very Well you may have the Honour of my credits
I did some flights to Omega 49 to get some base supply materials, and we again snapped a few interesting pictures. At least I hope they are interesting. Judge for yourself.
1. Sun Corona
I did some testing. The heat and radiation warning goes off at around 10 klicks from the sun. I did not dare to move further in, but I assume the limit can be bent a little.
2. Map: Corsair base and O49 hole
We found a Corsair installation. When Sucker Punch flew close, he was hit hard, but made it out. He got some more detailled intel on that base, I hope. He reported one gun turret. It does not block the hole, though.
3. Hessian Satellite at the Planet:
There is an unfinished satellite there, that makes me suspect that there are some attempts of colonialization on the way at the moment. It was IDed as Hessian. Perhaps we can help there?
** Sender: Marina Snow, Captain of the IMG Gunboat ``Solitude`` **
** To: IMG Exploration Database **
I`m sending this Report about our Omega 47 Recon and Mapping Mission today.
The Focus of this Mission was to find new Entrys and Exits to this System and to mark there Coordinates for further Investigation.
The Solitude is stationed at Cameron Star Port at the moment,so our Mission starts from this Station.
We reached the Omega 47 System without any Problems and started Mapping the System immediatly.
All Pictures where taken from Drones launched from the Solitude herself.
Picture 1 :
Cayman Jumphole ; Sector B3 / C3
Picture 2:
As the Solitude heads to the South we discovered an Corsair Installation in the
El Aaiun Asteroid Field.
It seems that the Installation has some Heavy Firepower so the Solitude didnt venture to close to it.
Civilian and non-military Ships should avoid the Area at all costs.
Pictures 3 - 5:
To avoid the Corsair Installation in the Field, the Solitude heads towards East untill we reached Planet Rabat.
Again we find an Corsair Installation in the Orbit around the Planet but with less Firepower then the other Station.
Picture 6:
To cover our Tracks we head into the Walker Nebula and after a little searching we find an Jumphole to Omega 41.
Picture 7:
While on our Way back to Cameron Star Port we discovered an Asteroid Field inside the Walker Nebula.
But the Solitude has`nt equipped any Mining Software or Mining Scanners, so we`re unable to search for any kind of Minerals inside the Asteroids.
The Solitude is back at Cameron now and awaiting new Orders.
Captain Snow out.
Everyone will tell you small lies, except the people you love, who will tell you large ones.
** Sender Yisha.Mcascott, Captain of the IMG Gunboat ``Hammerbuster`` **
** To: IMG Exporation Database **
Greetings Miner Collegues,
today the Crew of the ``Hammerbuster`` where ordered to do a Scan of the Omega 47 System.
The reason behind this order is the following one :
During the campaign of active scanning and mapping of the omega 47 system we lost contact to the IMG Gunboat ``Solitude``.
The ``Solitude`` was equipped with a long range scanning radar and special equipment for mapping a system.
We lost communication with the captain Mrs. Marina Snow somewhere in the Omega 47 system.
A lot of time has passed since then and the ``Hammerbuster`` where send there to search for anything that guides us to the remains of the ``Solitude``.
So after the undock from Aland Shipyard, we`re headed to Omega 9 and from there to Omega 5 to reach the Omega 47 system.
The Hammerbuster in front of the Hessian Outpost Viernheim.
Sadly none of the Fighterpilots or the Commander of the Station himself could give us some advice
where we could find our lost Gunboat.
But it seems that the Hessians want to connect Planet Tangier with a docking ring.
Maybe the Guild can assist in building this Ring ?
After some searching around the Planet a Bomberpilot told us he saw an IMG Ship near the Cayman Jumphole.
So the ``Hammerbuster`` changed course to reach the Jumphole.
Sadly we found nothing that looks like an IMG Ship.
So Cayman Jumphole turned out to be a flop but i ordered the Gunboat to change course again to reach the
Omega 49 Jumphole.
Again we found no trace of the Ship but we found an installation of the Corsairs.
Sadly we cant ask them about our Ship so the ``Hammerbuster`` changed course in direction of the Omega 41 Jumphole.
During our trip to reach the hole we came along another Corsair installation near Planet Rabat.
Again we found nothing but spacedust and laserbolts from the corsairdefenders on the station.
The ``Hammerbuster`` reached the Omega 41 Jumphole unharmed, the shield where able to absorb all laserbolts.
As expected we found nothing that looks like the remains of an IMG gunboat.
The ``Hammerbuster`` changed course to reach Viernheim Base again but long range communication from Viernheim told us about a large group of corsair attackers in the perimeter of Viernheim.
So i ordered the Ship to remain hidden in the Walker Nebula and after a long cruise we reached the Omega 5 Jumphole and left the System.
Summary of the Mission:
mapping Omega 47 : OK
visual contact to all installation in the system : OK
jumpholes found : OK
planets mapped : OK
patrolroutes checked : OK
possible mining spots : OPEN
remains of the ``Solitude`` : OPEN
That would be all for now.
The ``Hammerbuster`` is back at Aland for repairs and rearmament.
If you need the ``Hammerbuster`` and its Crew again to search for lost ships you found us near Aland or Freistadt.
Yisha Mcascott out !