So i sat in GCE history class, the place was dead, no one spoke, we had finished our work, most of us were on our tablets and phones.
And i just pulled out a four pack of Smarties and did a reenactment of the Shaun of the dead and quoted (with smarties).
"Would anyone like a smartie?"
I would of browsed Imgur or the Discovery-GC forums but we have this annoying thing called "Lightspeed filter" that likes to block my Yiff Regularly visited sites.
I once drew a stick man comic adaptation of the Alien trilogy, and made a huge Lego scene all over the garden, seriously there was Lego every where. Ah they were heady days.
Few mates of mine used to make huge sand lumps and re-enact D-Day with Riot shields (Wood pallets with handles) and what they used as bullets we compensated with BB-guns and Bio-degradable pellets. His back garden was the damn Beach.