Sender ID:Dr Achille Augustain Nadeau, Gallic Citizen. Sender Transponder Location: Gallic Sector - Gallia - Gallic core worlds - Normandie border - Maine - Sarthe ice crystal field - Ecommoy Base - Docking point two - CW|'Indigo' Subject:Possible contract.
-////Target ID: Representatives of the Unione Corse\\\\-
*An immoderately high-end flight suit winks onto the screen. From what little you can discern of the ship's surroundings however, the cockpit's run rather contrary to any notion of exclusivity. Unless, of course, the adjective you were excluding happened to be "legal".*
"I have zero knowledge if this channel is, or is not, promiscuous; the encryption is archaic, considerably left-field of my domain of expertise and exceptionally Norman. If you are not the intended witness to this communique, then feel free to scat off into the sunset at your leisure. If you do not scat at your leisure and I, or rather, the "We" I find myself foisted with, find you, we will dispatch you into the next life. I have no more intention to spend the remainder of my youth a gibbering, sexless cretin hooked up to some murder machine in a La Ferte-Bernard lockup. So please, do not, as the Libertonians would drawl; "screw with me".
"You may know who I am, you may not - we have certainly encountered each other before, but the events concerned were somewhat uncritical. I seem recall some marvellous jape concerning a Kusarian Chrysanthemum, a ah, "sniffer", as you monikered them, and some whimsical hint of sexual pervasion."
"I am not usually a needy man, so in the aim of you capitalising on this opportunity I will pay you in… ah."
"Let me ask you a query, Corsicans; what has a higher exchange rate than money, and is more indelible than goods?"
"I'm loathe to be a riddler but straight talk can waste time infinitely when you have no idea who the recipient may be. The definates can be deduced when I find myself talking to somebody slightly more definite than a noir screen."
"Keep in touch. Apologies for appearing a tad laconic. Flight suit constriction and all that, along with a minor chance of arrest. Cardiac, along with legal."
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Amendment: "Unfortunately for you and fortunately for me, I won't be in Maine forever. I'm not a statue. You have three days before I write this channel off as a security hazard, Corsicans."
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
-- Incoming Transmission Data Burst --
-- ID: Lucas Ricard
Bonjour, quite an intéressant message I've discovered sitting halfway between our spam filters, and a business recipient box. You sure don't seem to be straight forward, it'd only be polite to respond in turn i'd imagine.
My name is Lucas Ricard of the Unione Corse, through the rather sketchy translation we've received through our system of the recipiant, we can only presume that we are the one you're attempting to contact. After-all, our organization didn't have any ones or zeros in the title last time I've checked. Security is an interesting thing, although overkill and using a standard cryptography method which is based off of a math character assignment rather than converting strings to integers may prove amusing.
To answer your question, the answer which I have for you is simple. Service. After-all, that is what we dip into the public, we carry service. A single group cannot exist very well without opening its doors to the public, it seems that you are one to be interested in such.
Down to the interesting part, eh? We'd love to perhaps strike a deal to work with what sees fit. Of course our supplies available depends on who you are first of all. Introductions, introductions, introductions. Going off of what is available of your Sender ID, I shall merely assume that you are indeed a Gallic civilian until stated otherwise.
What can we provide for you monsieur? Details my friend. What services can we offer.
Ah, and I believe a fitting term here is a butchered reference. On the third day, a response finally comes. Safe skies Dr. I pray you'll be in touch.