ID:Yashida Holding LOCATION: Planet New Tokyo SENDER:Yuriko Yashida TARGET:TMS) Takeda Mining & Shipping SUBJECT:Business Offer ENCRIPTION:Level 3 PRIORITY:MEDIUM COMMENCING VISUAL:
Konnichiwa leaders of the Takeda Mining & Shipping
My name is Yuriko Yashida, the holdings director of trade and transport devision.
At the board of directors we've discussed the newcommer on the Kusari market. And they gave me the assignment to get in touch with your corporation.
As i'm the director of trade and transport we've first been supervising your operations and your way of work with other authorities. And we came to the conclusion that your corporation is effecient enough to maintain a long life in this hard economy.
We're offering to join convoys with transports and protection where needed, we're interested as well in your relationships with DSE.
Awaiting your response
Yuriko Yashida
Leader of the Trade and Transport devision.
Ah yes, I believe we have heard about your company once or twice. Indeed, we are new to Kusari and Libertonian markets, yet we believe our hard work will be fruitous as far as it was with Deep Space Engineering.
We would be interested into convoying Helium to Osaka Storage Facility with your vessels as well, because or hybridous Kamome, however good in mining gasses, do not have too much cargo space.
However, due to some unknown errors, our Kamome vessels are uncompatibile with automated mine-and-forget system used by other mining corporations, so I believe we need to fill you old fashioned by opening our cargo bays.
(Hegemon is sadly out of question - even if the mine-and-forget system is working with no problems - it has been proven to be very unefficient when it comes to mining gases.)
I hope this is not a great issue for your company, compared to earns, which would be indeed big per each run.
Oh yes, last but not least matter: your company will be registered to our official business channel [here].