Incoming Transmission...
Target ID: Independent Miners Guild
Comm ID: Director Alicia Young; Colonial Defense Industries
Location: Coronado, Sabah Shipyard
Good morning Miners,
I am Alicia Young, Director of Colonial Defense Industries. We already had the pleasure a while ago, so we might as well get straight to business. There are two important points that need discussion.
First, it has come to my attention that you own a rather high number of our vessels, out of deals with the previous CDI administrationand from of even older deals, as well as some of the ships we left behind in the Taus. Thats perfectly fine, however I fear that your engineers are not able to maintain the technology as well as it would be necessary to ensure proper functioning.
I certainly would not like to risk Colonial ships falling into the enemies hands because of technical malfunctions. Especially the engine systems need special care which I fear you can not provide.
To solve this issue I will gladly offer you the services of out engineers at Sabah, to make sure that your pilots and our technology stay save.
Second, I have received numerous reports from our pilots that the Pytho as well as other pieces of Colonial technology do not always suit the situations our pilots find themselves in. This is a problem our Research Department is working on, however, whatever we do, it will take time, more time than we have, as every minute wasted could endanger the life of our pilots, so I am looking for a short term solution to this issue.
The most simple one would be to get back to a solution that has worked well in the past, we will offer you unlimited access to Colonial blueprints, as long as you use them only for your own personell. In exchange you will do the same for us, which will enable both of us to have access to a far broader arsenal of weaponry, suitable for different tasks.
This exchange could include all fighter and bomber vessels, as well as gunboats and cruisers. If you wish we could also include an exchange of weaponry in this agreement, however, this would be a weapon exchange only, as I will not hand out the weapon blueprints to anyone outside of the Republic.
Let me know how you think about this proposal, it would likely also solve the issue mentioned in the first point and as such should be a favourable option.
**** SENDER:Samuel Rose - Independent Miners Guild ****
**** TO:Director Alicia Young - Colonial Defense Industries ****
Greetings, Director Young,
my name is Samuel Rose, I represent the Independent Miners Guild.
The Guildmasters received with great interest your communication. I apologize for the delayed response but, as you of course know, such things have to be well thought beforehand to avoid trouble with you know who.
Your offer to have your engineers work on our ships is well appreciated. I fly a Nyx myself and indeed we have some output problems, I have no idea exactly what as I am no tech. And of course that the Guild agrees with a full tech exchange in our shiplines. The only restriction is that you refrain to use IMG ships against the garlics, of course, or they would come down our necks in a nano.
So, Miss Young. With that said, how do you think we shall proceed from now on?
Incoming Transmission...
Target ID: Independent Miners Guild
Comm ID: Director Alicia Young; Colonial Defense Industries
Location: Coronado, Sabah Shipyard
Good morning Mr. Rose,
it appears to be necessary that we do not use these vessels against Gallics, so we will not do this. I can however not guarantee you that, if Gallics may assualt our vessels further away from the front lines, our pilots will not sue your technology. I can guarantee you, that it is not going to be used against the Gallics in an offensive way.
Enclosed to this message you will find a secure access to the promissed blueprints, so you should be able to manufacture the ships you need yourself.
**** SENDER:Samuel Rose - Independent Miners Guild ****
**** TO:Director Alicia Young - Colonial Defense Industries ****
Hello again, Director Young,
Well, the garlics are aware of our "past" alliance, and have knowledge of our old equipment exchange. They know we operate a few or your ships, like a small complement of Nyxes and a couple cruisers. These are the same as you granted us use in the past, but if you don't have a list and want more details, I shall request the C&C at Java to provide us with their designations.
That said, they are aware that you as well might have remnant ships from our alliance. Therefore if these new ships have their use against the garlics restricted as you described it will be agreeable.
I have gathered a small group of engineers and we are ready to depart for Sabah. I will be taking them there myself, in my Dromedary freighter. They will be carrying our schematics for ships, engines and powercores, as we agreed. Then our teams can join up and start their magic.
As soon as we have any progress, I shall bring my Nyx to Sabah, to be used as a test-bed, since it is already equiped with the IMG parts we use on them regularly.
We shall arrive tonite. Who do I look for when we dock?
Incoming Transmission...
Target ID: Independent Miners Guild
Comm ID: Director Alicia Young; Colonial Defense Industries
Location: Coronado, Sabah Shipyard
Good morning Mr. Rose,
thats definitely some good news. The details are agreeable and it should prevent you from getting into trouble with the invaders.
About your trip to Sabah, as soon as you arrive here, report to the Quartermaster, he has been informed about this by now and will lead you directly to my office.
There is just one major question left, to prepare your arrival, coffee or tea?