[31/01/2015 23:13:17] MrHudson | Blaze)-Protégé: Our lord and saviour Vendetta is of birthdayings
[31/01/2015 23:15:00] Geoffacake: We shall start a religion.
[31/01/2015 23:15:02] Geoffacake: Name it "Order of the Vendetta."
[31/01/2015 23:15:06] Geoffacake: Its slogan-
[31/01/2015 23:15:09 | Edited 23:15:12] Geoffacake: "**** that noise"
[31/01/2015 23:15:10]"And thus' he decended from the light above sirius, he stared around the space that filled it, he found beauty and bliss in its land, and turned to the people and saw their actions, their ways and voice, he then turned and said. "**** that noise." and ******** off back to the Xbox."
[01:05:47] Explorer487 'Osiris Monster'.: THERES NO DRAG IN SPACE! -From the rant about Colonial bombers.