I know since I live really far away from the server I will have a high ping but before the update I had an average of like 310 to 330 which I could live with but after the update I have never gone below 400. Some times it take me several tries to even log, I mean if I can log I can still play but with constant lag.
Is there any way of lowering this?
(02-15-2015, 03:07 PM)Sturm347 Wrote: Hi, is there any chance of lowering my ping?
I know since I live really far away from the server I will have a high ping but before the update I had an average of like 310 to 330 which I could live with but after the update I have never gone below 400. Some times it take me several tries to even log, I mean if I can log I can still play but with constant lag.
Is there any way of lowering this?
When lag hits me, I check things in this order
1: Do I have any internet sites open and am I downloading something?
1.1: If yes, let them finish downloading or close whatever extra tabs you have, I play Lacuna Expance and even though it's a 2D scroller MMO type of game, it updates every 15 seconds so that makes lag for me. Also having the forums open on the main page can cause lag due to the shout box sometimes. Also things such as youtube and those being open will also cause lag
2: Is Origin, Steam or any other gaming system on?
2.1: If yes, put them into offline mode, Steam and Origin have a bad habit of updating when you don't want them to, Steam causes major lag when it wants to update a game, that can normally lead to some bad lag.
3: Am I downloading any torrents?
3.1: Ya, we all know these buggers can cause some bad lag when downloading things, just close the program or stop it from downloading till your done in game.
4: Are other people in my/your house using the net?
4.1: Other people on the net at the same time as you, including other gamers, can cause lag for the whole house, sometimes at this point you can only wait for them to stop or ask to see when their done.
5: Windows update/system updates
5.1: Well, the only way to do this? Is to let them install then restart your PC/Mac or whatever system you have.
6: Firewall, Anti-virus or other programs
6.1: Rarely do I see this personally but I do get hit with this, when I run my Microsoft essentials, I to get horrible lag for some reason. Also using programs like zip-file programs, moving folders and using stuff like drop box will also cause a tiny bit of lag.
7: Location
7.1: I live the middle of farmland myself, this causes my ping to stay between 150 to about 300, and when it starts to die, then it goes to nearly 2000 or above and that's sometimes due to weather, where you are and what internet provider your using.
This is normally what I check to fix my lag problems, I'm sure others might have other ideas
Location, ISP & package you subscribe to? It could be that you're on contended bandwidth or if on wifi try this in the command prompt :
Use "tracert" (remember, if you're on wifi)
This will show all the hops your data makes to the DNS. Usually the first one is 10.0.0.X or 192.168.0.X or 192.168.1.X. This should be your router.
The one thereafter should be the base station. In my case at work it's (just an example)
Get the optimal MTU size from your ISP then type "ping <ip> -t -l <mtu size>" so in my case it's "ping -t -l 1480"
If you connect to your router via wireless you could try "ipconfig" in the command prompt to get the gateway ip, set the router's MTU size to 1480
rather than 1490 (prevents packet fragmentation on 2.4Gh) and then use the same command above using the gateway ip.
If you get timeouts then there could be a problem with your signal. Try connecting with a cable and see if your ping time is still the same.
If you're on DSL ask your ISP to do a port reset. They'll know what you're talking about. Try what Shizune wrote 1st though, maybe just reboot your router before anything else..