The Independent Miners Guild is purchasing Premium Scrap in Singapore Shipyard in Tau-44 at the highest price in Sirius! All deliveries can be reported here. After reaching a certain amount of deliveries, the Guild will issue extra bonuses to our most loyal suppliers!
Greetings IMG officials. Mathias Sterling here updating you on our deliveries this week. Here and here are our deliveries so far. This lot represents 10000+ units. We have been enjoying this exercise and look forward to more.
So like, I made a delivery to Singapore Shipyard of 3,000 Tons. I was lucky enough to be covered by CR|-Panzer, be sure to give the Colonials my thanks. Hopefully I'll be running more in the coming days.
I made another delivery of 9,000 units of Premium Scrap, see attached manifests. Additionally let the pilot of IMG|Java.Two know he has my thanks for the escort. I forgot to send payment earlier but he should have it now.