Diederik van Ghent, Peregrine Spaceport administrator.
Location: Tau-29 system
Encryption: KaSD.54
Goededag, Gaian groep. I am Diederik, from the Peregrine Spaceport, a small markt in the Tau sector. While we like to make contact with our cliënteel, we are not fond of aggressive marketing campaigning to get new folks at our little depot...
Ahem, I digress. As I was saying, our little depot, not so far from Freeport 6, has been trying to make some extra room for commodities coming and going from all corners of the Tau region. In the process, we required the import of a good amount of High Performance Alloy, a typically Bretonian product.
Unfortunately, the Bretonians seldom come around this way, and I don't have any spare transports to get running the border for the Alloys, and get shot by both sides in the process. Yes, very bad business perspective, getting shot.
Then one of our patrons that visits frequently told me a rumor that you of the Gaians could get, or even sell some of the High Performance Alloys. Which is why I come to ask you, instead of just wondering.
Say you have the commodities, and are willing to get some good money for the effort of bringing it to us, how about we talk about some arrangement?
I'm Flora, and I've been unanimously chosen, obviously during my absence, to handle this matter.
Anyway, as you've probably figured, I'm representing the Gaians.
I'm more than happy to see someone open his wallet for us, but I have to admit that there are few questions that bug me.
You know, it's not that often that a random man offers us a supply contract.
Care to answer them?
Who are you? Can you tell us a lil' bit more about you?
Why did you contact us instead the Junkers?
What is that little "markt" you're talking about? Care to elaborate on it a bit?
Diederik van Ghent, Peregrine Spaceport administrator.
Location: Tau-29 system
Encryption: KaSD.54
Goedeavond, mejuffrouw Flora.
You raise some good questions, which make me realize I wasn't very clear in my introduction.
I be one of the administrators of this wee small trade depot in Tau-29, the Peregrine Spaceport. It was for a long time a reclusive zoner station, which laid abandoned for a few weeks before being bought up by me and a few other entrepreneurs.
On my part I have little to say about myself, coming from one family of wandering travelers of the region, zoners in the most broad sense.
As for the station, we are the buyers and sellers of many goods that our clients are willing to offer and acquire, and are hard to find outside the regular markts in the civilized space. In a way, we be an extension of the marketplace of the nearby Freeport. We have however suffered a setback in our current operations with a project to expand our warehouse to double the size. If successful, we won't feel the pressure of lacking space for the more demanding customers.
As for my proposal to your group, is that it had reached my ears that the bretonians were the primary suppliers of one commodity that we require for expansion. But then again, the status of common bretonians in the Taus is not the best at the moment. The Gaians on the other hand, seem unperturbed by the Gallics or the Kusarians, as far as I have seen.
As for the junkers, I have no excuse for their omission. Indeed they cross the region frequently, but they were not my first choice for such job.
If you are interested in providing us with this High Performance Alloys we need, we can discuss a suitable price for your efforts. I'm even willing to add up a side pay in addition to the stationmaster pay, if you wish for an exclusive agreement.
If you are interested in the possibilities of our marketplace for your commerce or material needs, I might be able to arrange for some good deals for you as well. Let me know if you are looking for something.
Diederik van Ghent, Peregrine Spaceport administrator.
Location: Tau-29 system
Encryption: KaSD.54
We require about 30.... 32000 units of the material. We are currently purchasing it at 1200C/u. Let's say, an additional 1300C/u for any deliveries reported by your folks, on this channel?
I would offer an additional bonus if completed fast, but our other suppliers are also working well, and we may end up getting the stock needed soon enough.
So these are the terms, and the clock is ticking. How much you will commit is up to your organization, but we will only accept the delivery reports until we confirm we have gathered enough for the completion of the expansion.