Greetings, I am Bob Clamor, responsible for leading the Project [QQ]. If I remember rightly, the ship master of the Atka Research Station has currently talked to me about achieving higher quality of food. To be put simply, we'd like to acquire a trade contract with your logistic division on weekly food trade.
╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ► Transmission Protocol: Synth Foods, Inc.
► Sender ID: CEO Gregory Dawson
► Location: Riverside Station, California
► Destination ID: Mr. Bob Clamor, Director of Project 'QQ'.
► Encryption: Might as well be secured by some dried out paste!
► SUBJECT: RE: Supply contract with Atka.
► Priority: It's up there. ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
Why hello there, Mister Clamor.
Pleasure to meet you. M'name's Gregory Dawson, though most people call me Greg. I'm the current CEO of Synth Foods, Inc., and I'll be handling this contract while our supervising director gets their equipment checked out.
We've always had a good ride with Cryer for a large number of reasons, and this won't be the exception. We'd be mighty grateful to have another contract to add to our belts, although my financial officers have given me a bit of a scare. At the price you're offerin' us in return for four thousand units of high-quality food, you'd be looking at...a rather measly profit of seven-hundred and fifty credits a unit. Factor out the production costs, and that rolls out to just under six hundred. Keep in mind, we have plenty of our vendors, all of which are willing to pay two thousand to three thousand credits a package for this stuff. If you can't make that call, that's fine...maybe rations or some of our paste would suit your fancy instead.
Alternatively, a more favorable price for our suppliers would be somewhere in the ballpark of twenty-five hundred (2500) credits per unit - or about ten million credits per shipment. If that price works better for you, I'll divert the SFV Food for Thought as soon as she docks in New London.
╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ► Transmission Protocol: Synth Foods, Inc.
► Sender ID: CEO Gregory Dawson
► Location: Riverside Station, California
► Destination ID: Mr. Bob Clamor, Director of Project 'QQ'.
► Encryption: Duct tape and bits of old string.
► SUBJECT: RE: Supply contract with Atka.
► Priority: Somewhere between "relevant" and "a postcard from mother". ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
Glad to talk to you again so soon, Mr. Clamor.
I'm very happy that you're accepting the modified terms. As you've held up your end of the deal, I'll hold up mine. The SFV Food for Thought put it into overdrive and really came through with this last order - you'll find our standard "sampler" package delivered to your dockmaster aboard Atka. Fifteen hundred packs of sirloin, one thousand packets of roast vegetables, five hundred individually wrapped mini-cakes, and one thousand bottles of sparkling water. Additionally, I've been informed the loadmaster has packaged a special bottle of aged chardonnay and a raw porterhouse steak, packaged with spices and herbs, as a gift to you for signing the contract.
Any additional inquiries, comments, or questions can be forwarded on this frequency, and either myself or my secretary will reply to them as soon as possible. Thank you, once again, for choosing Synth Foods.
Have a good one, Mr. Clamor.
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Greetings. I know Cryer Technologies haven't talked for a while ago, but I can ensure you we are still operating at some levels.
My name is Stephen Keys and will be the current representative during this agreement now. As you may or may not have known, we have a base in Omicron Omega for humanitarian and research purposes. Now Cryer Technologies can provide well-off for the research purposes, but the humanitarian purpose however is very lackluster. We're unable to supply sufficient food to both Corsairs and our scientists due to its far distance and are looking for cheaper alternative means of food transportation to supply the station. If you respond, I believe we can arrange an agreement of some monetary sums and we'll provide the coordinates of our base if needed.