Name: Kyrann Michio Straxi Title: Dr. Age: 40 Height: 1.8m Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Address: N/A (assets seized)
Outstanding Warrants:
Grand Larceny
Liberty Ethics in Research Act Violations
Property Destruction
Reckless Endangerment
Resisting Arrest
LSF Synopsis
Kyrann Michio Straxi was born to an affluent family on Manhattan, and was enlisted in private schooling as a child. Graduated early from primary and secondary schools. Enrolled in Cambridge with a double major in genetics and human-AI interaction. Minored in medicine.
Preliminary inquiries reveal that Dr. Straxi was a recluse of a student, always keeping to himself within his quarters. A general consensus amongst interviewees further surmises that he was generally regarded as a young eccentric with a 'brilliant' mind. He graduated in six years at the age of 24.
Dr. Straxi took a position for fifteen years as first a researcher, then head researcher at the Manhattan Institute for Biological Sciences. He worked on various applications of limited genetic manipulation; this was authorized with oversight by his employers, with intent to develop new medicinal treatments for diseases. The work was closely monitored in accordance with LERA. After project completion, Kyrann Straxi was given his lead position, and more freedom to direct research.
At age 39, Dr. Straxi was implicated in an investigation surrounding questionable practices within the Institute. These practices involved illicit research and experimentation, including unauthorized genetic manipulation and forays into direct neural grafting. A warrant for his arrest was issued several months later, with the intent for him to be tried for violating the Liberty Ethics in Research Act. The doctor evidently learned of this, and escaped Manhattan authorities in a Rhino freighter on his 40th birthday.
The scientist has been spotted repeatedly in Liberty space and Magellan since his escape; he has been seen piloting a variety of vessels, up to and including a modified (and Hacker-crewed) gunship referred to as the 'Regenesis'. Further investigation has revealed an apparent connection between Dr. Straxi and the Lane Hackers criminal organization. It is currently surmised that he receives funding and general support from this group, in return for the fruits of his continued research into neural grafting technologies. Straxi's whereabouts were previously considered to be somewhere in Magellan; however, reports have recently surfaced of his relocation to an unknown position, presumably deep within Lane Hacker territory. We can further postulate that, if his research advances sufficiently, Lane Hackers may be able to 'link' their minds to their spacecraft; the resultant estimates regarding reflex times and pilot perception may represent a significant threat to Liberty civilians and law enforcement.
Related Incidents
Several days prior to the release of this report, an incident regarding a suspected smuggler and a Navy patrol revealed connections to the subject. A Camara pilot known as "Dreke" was spotted carrying what appeared to be counterfeit software as he left the Manhattan docking rings. Upon ordered to stop his vessel, he led law enforcement on an extended chase through the New York system, culminating in his apparent suicide into the local star. Perplexingly, this individual was spotted leaving Manhattan soon after, running for Magellan. The only possible answer to these events may reside in illicit cloning, though how one could keep his memories remains uncertain. The smuggler has not been seen since, and an investigation into this cloning technology has been launched; connections between this individual and Dr. Straxi have since been confirmed, and evidence suggests that several traders were employed to gather additional funding for his activities.
Threat Analysis
Although this individual has repeatedly declared a policy of self-defense when encountered by law enforcement, he has been known to capture civilian, bounty hunter, police and navy pilots; these pilots are always released before his egress from Liberty space, though he may be intentionally holding them in the event he needs a bargaining chip for his own escape. Dr. Straxi has also been witnessed raiding Deep Space Engineering depots, Detroit Munitions, and trade lanes; he is to be considered heavily armed and potentially unstable.
As aforementioned, a full investigation has been underway regarding this individual. Results as of this time have been collected in this report.
Reports of Dr. Straxi's research regarding neural grafting confirm that this technology is not only theorized, but in early prototype stages. As of yet, no Lane Hacker vessels have been detected with this technology; however, we cannot even confirm such technology can be detected in the first place. Furthermore, attempts to track down the installation harboring these prototypes have been broadly unsuccessful.
We have concluded that the majority of Kyrann's funding does not come from the Lane Hackers themselves; it appears the doctor has indeed established and continues to oversee a small contingent of trade vessels, piloted by individuals under his direct employ. After the Navy's interdiction of one of these vessels in Manhattan, it appears the routes taken by the group as a whole have completely changed. Intelligence indicates, however, that all of these ships must pass through the Texas system en route to one of their destinations. It is advisable to increase patrols in this system, as these traders or smugglers are probably violating the embargo. Furthermore, we have been lucky enough to obtain the registered name of one of these individuals: "Feliks Drahe". This individual was last spotted captaining a Train class transport, and has been previously cited for embargo violations.
Although Kyrann Straxi's location has yet to be discovered, we have confirmed his apparent exodus from Lane Hacker territory. Unfortunately, it seems the Outcasts themselves have taken him in; his research is likely important enough to their coalition that they may wish to keep him protected. Increasing the bounty on this individual may be an option.
Further research into genetics on behalf of the Outcasts is confirmed, but intentions and direction are unknown at this time.