The hum of the ships engines...They were somehow...soothing to him...former Liberty Navy Captain Mathew Anobi stood at the very front of his bridge, looking out the window as he listened to the hum of his Cruiser's Engines.
It has been a long time since he had defected to the renegade 522nd, he had seen how corrupt the Navy had become as well as witnessed the..."Methods" the LSF used to extract information during his brief posting in Alaska..It was horrifying...
A Lt.Cmdr walked up behind him and stood at attention ,one of the former members of his first ship, the LNS-Luna-A...a Veteran man with short white hair and ice-blue eyes, his skin slightly paled due to a medical condition but nothing lifethreatenening.
As Mathew looked over his shoulder and nodded to him the Lt.Cmdr saluted and stood rigedly at attention before giving his report.
"Sir, we have reached the Badlands, the Navy won't find us here." he spoke firmly, nodding his head Mathew smirked.
"Excellent Mr. Grigs." he whispered to him before looking back out the window, watching the rocks that dotted the interior of the badlands with an experienced eye, Grigs, with an unsure look in his eyes spoke again.
"Sir, if i may be so bold to ask...Why have we returned to Liberty?" he asked cautiously, obviously not too comfortable to be not more than a jump away from prisons...With a casual wave Mathew chuckles.
"My friend, we are here to conduct Hit and Fade strikes on Liberty Navy Targets, such as West Point...We are remind the Navy that there are things that they should truely fear, that something in the dark will bump into them and than devour them and their corrupted ways..." he commented lightly before turning back around, his sky-blue eyes looking into ice-blue eyes...
"We are wage war on the Navy." he whispered with a smirk...
---To Be Continued---