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_______________________________ To: James McKenna of the Junker Congress. From: Enmalia Loyola.
Signor McKenna,
From what to begin? Let's just say if you don't know who the Apollo Venkman is or if you don't care about his life you can terminate the transmission right now...
Good. Apollo's ship was destroyed by bounty hunter scum, ID 'Zettsu' or something like that... it does not matter now. I'm glad to inform you that I got his pod. The bad news is it was unload much later than it has to. Apollo is badly burned and yet even don't even back to consciousness. He murmured your name several times so I consider the best to inform you. It would be good for him if you could help, I'm helpless down here, my main contacts are on Malta itself so there is a little I can do.
Again if you wish to help him then do it. He could die any moment. It will not be a tragedy for me, but it's the shame if he will die like that, he do not deserve it.
Apollo needs Liquid cardamine, its the only thing that will regenerate him. I am a VARY long way but if he's on malta there's hope.
In the north western province in the mesas there is a Temple, a Shrine to the spirits. You have to get him there. Thier beacon will come on as soon as they detect cross vessels.
I've already informed the Matron to expect you.. the Oracles there will be able to care for him if there's any hope at all.
I hate inconvenience you If i was at my malta cottage id be there right now... As it stands i don't think Ill be able to leave liberty for quite some time until things are settled here.
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_______________________________ To: James McKenna of the Junker Congress. From: Enmalia Loyola.
Signor McKenna,
Apologies? You have nothing to apologize for. There is no problem to transfer him to Malta at all. There is a still the following question: will he make it? I think he a chance if I will do it on Cadavere, it has a small medical module, but it's still a cargo transport, not a medical one. Whatever it will go now -you- taking -all- responsibility about his life. And I have some liquid form of Spirit's Gift and I will do define the number of injections on our way to Malta.
For now I'm more concerned about other things. You see Apollo never told me anything about his contacts with the Oracles and... well he didn't told me anything at all. But he make me visited the Shrine so I have many questions. I would like you to ask the Oracles about some lone conversation. I need to bring a light on my coming path in the service to the Spirits and maybe I will get some information about Apollo. Please do me such favour if there is some credits needed I will stand for any amount.
My position as Arbiter now er leader.. in as much as you.. CAN lead these.. ...monkeys. Religion takes a back seat but Apollo had some sort of encounter with an incubi... I have no idea from what or where but the oracles have the ability to help it. it's possible the creature was too weak.. or sick.. or dysfunctional in some way.
Its made HIM paranoid, which means the life integrated with him is paranoid, likely from whatever trauma it endured. Either way it bonded to him not ready, but for survival.
I've diagnosed a similar case three years ago amongst the cultists on the shrine when i took a junker sabbatical and practice my clinical skills.
Incubi do not respond to counseling, but their hosts do, it needs to be a full effort however.
My guess is, in some dank dust covered lab sealed behind a 101st security grid this creature was calling out for help, and apollo got close enough to hear it.
Jameson was a bit more wily than.. well any outcast. reputation for what you'd call super science.
Im sure there are many more dark secrets unexplored within those places were Apollo was trying to find answers.
The liquid has a highly regenerative effect seemed to help.
The human mind has immediate trouble dealing with a hive mind and it takes a strong personal identity to retain sanity.
Not so much a problem for the Oracles anymore. They've learned well to manage such affliction on the human level which is why i referred you to take him there.
As for the Church of Sirius Well I'm considered a bit of a prophet I feel the title is undeserved but what are you going to do. The philosophy has come a long way since when I first met them. But all In all.
Id say if you're truly seeking the path this situation has you speeding towards it at any rate. Three Winds is the guy you want for your questions. Ill pop him but you'll likely find him out in space hacking some neural net connection to answer his mail.
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_______________________________ To: James McKenna of the Junker Congress. From: Enmalia Loyola.
Signor McKenna,
...Khm, incubi? I don't know much about it, but even my knowledge is enough to say that he was blessed... and failed for some reason, you said that it is 'weak' or 'sick' personally I would blame Apollo. He must do all what he can to trasform his mind and body to be useful.
Silly Apollo, why he didn't said anything to me? Now I see much more reasons to save his life. We are at Tau-37 already, repearing at Freeport, there is one more step to Malta. From now I'm pretty sure that everything will be fine with him. The most dangerous part of the route is behind and injections helps a lot.
Three Winds? Heard a lot, even seen once. Mysterious person indeed. I'll seek the meeting wih him. Thanks for the hand.
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_______________________________ To: James McKenna of the Junker Congress. From: Enmalia Loyola.
Signor McKenna,
I'm sorry for the delay there was a lot to do after we've arrived on Malta. Apollo was still unconsciousness when I've transferred him to the Oracles. To be honest I'm happy to throw that burden, I'm terribly tired of this. Want to belive that Oracles will take a good care and Apollo be happy to back to consciousness on Malta. The food this that there is a left some liquid Dream for me. I will keep it for the worse times, I'm sketchy recall what did happend to me when I've overdosing it on the last time.
For now I will take a littlest break and use all the possibilities to find the Three Winds. Hope I will make it and we will have a chance to talk.